State Details in AustraliaNew South Wale

游客2023-12-21  25

问题                                        State Details in Australia
New South Wales (NSW)
    NSW local government is divided into city, municipal and shire councils. The three largest cities: Sydney, Parramatta, Newcastle and Wollongong are run by Lord Mayors; cities and municipalities are run by Mayors; and shires by Shire Presidents. The members of the city and municipal councils are known as aldermen. Members of shire councils are known as councillors.
    Council members are elected for a term of four years and voting in council elections is compulsory. The voting system used is proportional representation in wards with three or more seats and preferential in the others.
Victoria (VIC)
    VIC has the highest number of councils of any State and in some areas councils are being encouraged to amalgamate although there is often resistance to this.
    The local government divisions in VIC are cities, towns, boroughs and shires.
    Melbourne has a Lord Mayor while the other cities, towns and boroughs are run by Mayors. Shires are run by Shire Presidents.
    Members of all councils are known as councillors.
    Council members are elected for a three year term and voting in council elections is compulsory. The voting system used is preferential.
Queensland (QLD)
    Brisbane is the only capital city that is run by a single council. This council controls the entire metropolitan area, known as Greater Brisbane which covers an area of 1,000 km. (This compares with Sydney and Melbourne which have about 50 councils each).
    The local government divisions in QLD are known as cities, towns and shires. Brisbane is run by a Lord Mayor; other cities and towns by Mayors; and Shires by Shire Chairmen.
    Council members are elected for a three year term and voting is compulsory. In Brisbane the preferential system is used while everywhere else, electors have as many votes as there are positions.
South Australia (SA)
    In SA the divisions are cities, corporate towns and district council areas. Adelaide has a Lord Mayor and the cities and town are run by Mayors. Council district areas are run by Shire Presidents.
    In SA council members are known as councillors but the positions of aldermen are held by councillors with experience elected for a whole area rather than within a ward.
    Council members are elected for two year terms; half of the members retiring each year at an annual election. Voting in council elections is voluntary and everyone, including those who are not Australians, is eligible to vote.
Tasmania (TAS)
    TAS has four city councils. Hobart, Launceston, Glenorchy and Devonport.  Hobart has a Lord Mayor and the other three cities Mayors.
    The rest of the State is divided into districts known as municipalities and run by Wardens.
    Council members serve a three-year term with a third of the members going to election each year.
    Voting is voluntary and while it is restricted to Australian citizens and British subjects who own or occupy property, alien owners are allowed to get a qualified elector to vote on their behalf.
Northern Territory (NT)
    Darwin has the only city council in NT. It is run by a Lord Mayor. There are at present five town councils, one shire and one corporation. As well as this there are 48 Community
governments. Council elections are held each four years on the last Saturday in May.
    Community governments differ from traditional councils in a number of ways. To adopt community government a petition with at least 10 signatures must be sent to the Northern Territory Minister for Local Government requesting that they consider the proposal. The minister and his department then help the community devise a tailored system of government within the outlines of the scheme.
    In this way no two Community governments will be exactly the same. There are five common policies behind the NT system of local government community choice; community accountability; community management; community development and self sufficiency.
    Council members are elected by secret ballot in a first-past-the-post system. Terms run for one year and there must be eight weeks notice given for elections. The government is run by a President who is elected by the council members.
    Community governments in general serve more functions than a traditional council, becoming more involved with local industry and management.

选项 A、Melbourne.

答案 D

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