Nancy became a taxi driver because [br] [originaltext]Interviewer: Hello, Nancy
Nancy became a taxi driver because [br] [originaltext]Interviewer: Hello, Nancy
Nancy became a taxi driver because [br]
Interviewer: Hello, Nancy. I know you are one of the few women taxi drivers in the city now and you drive for a living. What made you want to become a taxi driver in the first place?
Nancy: I took pride in driving well even when I was young, for I had to wait until I had a car to learn to drive. When I finally learned, it was something I really enjoyed and still enjoy. I remember how smart those taxi drivers had seemed driving so well and dressed so neatly in their uniforms. And I thought I’d like to do that myself.
Interviewer: You really enjoy driving, I see. And how long have you been a taxi driver?
Nancy: Er... altogether 12 years.
Interviewer: Mm... it has been quite some time already, hasn’t it?
Nancy: Yeah.
Interviewer: Then, what did you find the most difficult about becoming a taxi driver?
Nancy: I can still remember when I was learning to drive, it was scary. I did not yet know how to judge distance, and when a truck came near, it seemed like its wheels would just come right over me. Anyway, soon I learned to judge distance. I began looking ahead, stopped worrying about the trucks and about what was moving on either side.
Interviewer: In your opinion, what does it take to become a good taxi driver?
Nancy: Er... besides driving well, the most important thing a taxi driver needs to know is the streets, and I knew the city well because I’d lived there for a long time. I knew all the main streets and even the side streets. And, of course, you have to keep updating your knowledge of the streets because the city changes. There might be a new road appearing somewhere one day.
Interviewer: Now, what about annual leaves? Do you have them?
Nancy: Oh yes. When I first started, I had only 10 days. And now I have 3 weeks every year with pay.
Interviewer: Just out of curiosity, when you go on vacation to another place or city, do you drive there as well?
Nancy: In most cases, not. I prefer to be driven by others if we go by car. I would also
prefer to go by train or plane if there is a choice. I’ve already had too much driving in my life. So when on holiday, I just want to relax.
Interviewer: I see. Let’s come back to your work. Are there any unpleasant aspects in your job?
Nancy: The only serious difficulty with this work is that sometimes it’s dangerous to drive at night. But you have a choice and I always choose to work days rather than nights.
Interviewer: Then, what’s the best part of your job?
Nancy: I soon found that what I liked the best about this job was being outdoors, seeing how the city changes from season to season, and there are places I’ve seen that I would probably never have seen in another job. And I love all kinds of weather. I’d like to leave the window down in a fine rain. And when I have a long drive near the end of the day, I sometimes go past my home to tell my two little children that I’ll be home soon. And they always want to come along in my car.
Interviewer: Oh, do they? I guess kids all like to be taken for a ride sometimes.
Nancy: Yeah, but you cannot take anyone along unless they pay or you pay for them.So I’ve to pay their fares one of these days and take them out in my taxi,because they really think it’s fun. Out in the countryside on a long drive, with the fresh air and sun shining, you just seem to want to drive forever. At least that’s how it’s for me.
Interviewer: Being a taxi driver, you have to meet all kinds of people. How do you feel about that?
Nancy: I enjoy meeting many different people. I might not have met some if not for this job, and I’ve learnt a lot about how people behave in these years.
Interviewer: Can you tell us a bit more about it?
Nancy: The biggest advantage is that you come across various characters in your work.Some people are interesting, some rushed, some pleasant, some funny, some talkative, some are so pressed for time that they change their clothes in the taxi. Those who are in the greatest rush would sometimes forget to pay.
Interviewer: Have you ever met someone who doesn’t like women drivers?
Nancy: Yes. Once a passenger really objected to having a woman driver, and I laughed at him so much that he stopped his fussing. Although there has been one or two cases like this, I think most people are nice to women drivers. So this is really an interesting part of my work.
Interviewer: Now, my last question. Have you ever thought Of changing your job?
Nancy: Not yet. I might in a few years’ time, but not at this moment, because I really enjoy my work and I do get a lot of satisfaction out of it. So, why would I?
Interviewer: OK. Our interview is coming to the end. I’d like to wind up our interview by wishing you good luck. Thank you very much for your time, Nancy.
Nancy: Pleasure.
A、Seeing interesting buildings in the city.
B、Being able to enjoy the world of nature.
C、Driving in unsettled weather.
D、Taking long drives outside the city.
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