The word debts in "very few debts are left unpaid" in the first paragraph means

游客2023-12-21  11

问题 The word debts in "very few debts are left unpaid" in the first paragraph means ______. [br] A suitable title for the passage would be ______.

选项 A、Campaigning on the Indian frontier.
B、Why the Pathans resented the British rule.
C、The popularity of rifles among the Pathans.
D、The Pathans at war.

答案 D

解析 和C)都具有片面性,只是19世纪影响帕坦人生活的因素之一,A)没能抓住全文中心,通过全文大意可知D)“战斗中的帕坦人”是最合适的标题,比较全面概括文章主题。