From the first paragraph, we get the impression that [br] The phrase "harped on"

游客2023-12-21  12

问题 From the first paragraph, we get the impression that [br] The phrase "harped on" in "who harped so often on independence" in the fourth paragraph means

选项 A、thought about.
B、talked about.
C、worried about.
D、troubled about.

答案 B

解析 本题是语义题。由题干定位至末段第三句。该句上下文都是Feld对建议Max和女儿一起出去走走这个想法的犹豫:但他不敢说,因为如果Max拒绝了,叫自己以后怎么面对他呢?也许harped so often on independence的玛丽会发火,说他多管闲事?结合第二段倒数第三句中提到的“but she said she wanted to be independent”可以判断出harp on的意思是“说,谈论”,正是因为Miriam总是说自己要独立,当父亲干涉她的事情时,才可能发火,[B]项符合上下文语境,故为答案。