"And there the matter rested. " in the first paragraph probably means the sullen

游客2023-12-21  5

问题 "And there the matter rested. " in the first paragraph probably means the sullen stone figure [br] A new bird flied on to the Cathedral roof immediately because

选项 A、it lost its way and intruded into the Cathedral.
B、it acquainted with the fat blue pigeons.
C、it need a nest to spend the coming winter.
D、it was attracted by the great angel-wings.

答案 A

解析 本题是细节题。由题干中的Cathedral roof定位至第二段。首句指出;秋日的一天,一只纤细的、叫声悦耳的鸟飞到了教堂屋顶上。它从荒地,稀松的灌木篱墙飞出去寻找越冬的栖息地时迷了路。可见[A]是原因,故为答案。[C]是这只鸟飞到教堂屋顶的间接原因,非直接原因,排除。[B]和[D]在文中未提及,无根据。