The author of the passage is primarily concerned with ______. [br] The author su

游客2023-12-21  7

问题 The author of the passage is primarily concerned with ______. [br] The author suggests that implementing manufacturing competitiveness is a strategy that is ______.

选项 A、flawed and ruinous
B、shortsighted and difficult to sustain
C、popular and easily accomplished
D、useful but inadequate

答案 D

解析 本题是语意题。该题问:作者如何评价使用传统的削减成本法试图提高制造业竞争实力这种作法? A项意为“错误且灾难性的”,这种说法语气过强,文中的作者态度并非如此。B项意为“短视而难以维持的”。说这种方法不合适是对的,但不合适的方法不一定就维系不下去。C项意为“普及易有成效的”,此项说法说反了。D项意为“有用但不合适”,在本文的第一、二段可以找到线索,指出此方法有些道理,但是很快就会达到极限,基本上是不可行的,因此D项为正确答案。