The mall is astounding because ______. [br] From the article, we may note that _

游客2023-12-21  5

问题 The mall is astounding because ______. [br] From the article, we may note that ______.

选项 A、Senator Hillary Clinton greatly supports the plan and persuaded Congress to provide financial help.
B、The mall will be clean because it Mil only use renewable energy.
C、All the people believe that the mall will upstate American ailing economy.
D、A lot of companies will benefit from the incentives of Congress.

答案 B

解析 选项A不对,因为希拉里虽然支持这一计划,但国会仅仅是提供政策,没有直接投钱。C不对,因为文中作者的腔调是持怀疑的态度,甚至称它是“EI Dorado”,仅存在于传说中的黄金国,因此推断不可能所有人都对这一计划有信心。D不对,可以从本文最后一句话看出。