What subject is Mr. Pitt good at? [br] [originaltext]A: Good morning, Mr. Pitt.
What subject is Mr. Pitt good at? [br] [originaltext]A: Good morning, Mr. Pitt.
What subject is Mr. Pitt good at? [br]
A: Good morning, Mr. Pitt. Do sit down.
B: Thank you.
A: First of all, Mr. Pitt, I’d like you to tell me a bit about what you’ve been doing.
B: Well, I left school after I’d done my A levels.
A: Ah, yes, A levels. What subjects did you take?
B: I took 4 subjects: French, German, Chemistry, and art. Chemistry wasn’t my cup of tea, but art has always been.
A: Art?
B: Well, I really want to study art. It didn’t turn out like that, because a friend of my father offered me a job--- he is an accountant in London. Quite a big firm, you know.
A: I see. A firm of accountants. Interesting! In your application, you say that you only spent 9 mouths with this firm of accountants. Why was that?
B: It was nearly a year actually. Well, to be quite honest, I didn’t like it. I just couldn’t seem to get interested in the job although there were fairly good prospects. So I got a place at the Art College to do a 3-year diploma course.
A: I see. Now, Mr. Pitt, what about hobbies and interests? Uh, what do you do in your spare time?
B: I like jazz, traditional and folk music. I don’t play, Of course, but I go to quite a lot of concerts, and I go to the theatre occasionally and act a bit myself. I’m in the local drama society. I read quite a lot and I’ve done a bit of photography. Also, I’ ve traveled a lot, hitchhiked all over Europe-- last year that was.
A: Very interesting, Mr. Pitt. I think that’s all I wanted to ask about your background. Now let’s talk about the management trainees’ scheme. What exactly do you think a manager does?
B: I... don’t know a great deal about the work.
A: But you have got any ideas about it? You must have thought about it.
B: Well, er, I suppose he has a lot of what’s called" policy-making" to do and he’d have to know how to work with people and all about the company.
A: Umm
B: Yes, I should think a manager must know something about all aspects of the work.
A: Yes, that’s right. We like your executive staff to undergo a thorough training. Young men on trainees’ scheme have to work in every branch of the company.
B: Oh.
A: And one of them is accounting. Presumably you wouldn’t like that.
B: Well, if I have to do it, I suppose. But I was thinking that my French and German would mean that I could specialize in overseas work. I would like to be some sorts of export salesman, and travel abroad.
A: You know the glamour of traveling abroad disappears when you’ve got a hard job or work to do. It’s not all fun and game.
B: Oh, yes. I realize that. It’s just that my knowledge of languages would be useful.
A: Now, Mr. Pitt, Is there anything you want to ask me?
B: Well. There is one or two things. I’d like to know if I’d have to sign a contract and what the salary and prospects are?
A: With our scheme, Mr. Pitt, there is no contract involved. Your progress is kept under constant review. If we at any time decide we don’t like you, then that’s why we reserve the right to dismiss you.
B: I see.
A: Of course, you have the same choice about us.
B: Fair enough. And ... what about the salary?
A: As for salary, you’d be on our fixed scale starting at 870 pounds. For the successful trainee, the prospects are very good.
B: I see. Thank you very much.
A: That’s all, Mr. Pitt. You should hear from us in a couple of weeks, one way or the other, or we may ask you to come back for another chat. Thank you.
B: Goodbye, Mr. Williams.
A: Goodbye, Mr. Pitt.
A.错语 B.找词困难 C.呼名障碍 D.语音障碍 E.言语失用失语症口
确诊真两性畸形依赖于A.生殖器检查 B.染色体检查 C.生殖腺活检 D.B
金属结构构件运输定额是按加工厂至施工现场考虑的,运输距离以( )为限,运距在该
面粉:蛋糕:浆糊( )A、鲜花:花粉:蜂蜜 B、玉米:白酒:小麦 C、钢材
商业银行的以下风险管理措施中,属于风险转移策略的有()。A.购买保险 B.
对奥美拉唑叙述正确的是A.可视作前药 B.具弱碱性和弱酸性 C.属于可逆性质