One characteristic of the rich classes of a declining society is their tendency

游客2023-12-21  14

问题 One characteristic of the rich classes of a declining society is their tendency to ______. [br] According to the writer which of the following is put of chivalry? A knight should ______.

选项 A、inspire his lady to perform valiant deeds
B、perform deeds which would inspire romantic songs
C、express his love for his lady from a distance
D、regard his lady as strong and independent

答案 C

解析 本题是此题为细节题。第六段第三行到第五行是对谦恭有礼的描写,一个骑士对他所喜欢的女孩表达爱意,尽管他可能从来也不能接近她。这就是一种罗曼蒂克式的爱。因此C项正确。