"And this here old dog," he continued, touching Tally’s upturned nose with hi

游客2023-12-20  35

问题    "And this here old dog," he continued, touching Tally’s upturned nose with his knotted fingers, "this here old dog has followed me for—for ten years; through floods and droughts, through fair times and—and hard—mostly hard; and kept me from going mad when I had no mate nor money on the lonely track; and watched over me for weeks when I was drunk- drugged and poisoned at the cursed shanties; and saved my life more’n once, and got kicks and curses very often for thanks; and forgave me for it all; and—and fought for me. He was the only living thing that stood up for me against that crawling push of curs when they set onto me at the shanty back yonder—and he left his mark on some of ’em too; and—and so did I."
   He took another spell.
   Then he drew in his breath, shut his teeth hard, shouldered his swag, stepped into the doorway, and faced round again.


答案   而这里的这条老狗,”他用那只伤痕累累的手摸了摸塔利翘起的鼻子,继续说道,“这里的这条老狗跟了我已经有……有十年了,经历了洪涝和干旱,度过了美好的时光和……和艰难的……绝大部分是艰难的岁月;在我独自一个人走在那条孤零零的小道上,既感到孤独而又身无分文的时刻,是它使我免于神经失常;每当我在那些可诅咒的小酒店喝得烂醉如泥的时候,它总是坐在一旁守候着我;它还不只一次地救过我的命,而得到的报偿却是一顿拳打脚踢和恶毒的咒骂,而这一切它都原谅了我;并……并且还为我去同别人打斗。当那边那家小酒店的那帮坏种一涌而上向我施暴的时候,唯一能支持我,为我抗争的生灵便是它了——它还在那帮家伙的身上留下教训的印记;而我……当然也是这样干的。”
