As people age, their cells become less efficient and less able to replace dam
As people age, their cells become less efficient and less able to replace dam
As people age, their cells become less efficient and less able to replace damaged components. At the same time their tissues stiffen. For example, the lungs and the heart muscle expand less successfully, the blood vessels become increasingly rigid, and the ligaments and tendons tighten.
Few investigators would attribute such diverse effects to a single cause. Nevertheless, researchers have discovered that a process long known to discolor and toughen foods may also contribute to age-related impairment of both cells and tissues. That process is nonenzymatic glycosylation, whereby glucose becomes attached to proteins without the aid of enzymes. When enzymes attach glucose to proteins (enzymatic glycosylation), they do so at a specific site on a specific protein molecule for a specific purpose. In contrast, the nonenzymatic process adds glucose haphazardly to any of several sites along any available peptide chain within a protein molecule
This nonenzymatic glycosylation of certain proteins has been understood by food chemists for decades, although few biologists recognized until recently that the same steps could take place in the body. Nonenzymatic glycosylation begins when an aldehyde group (CHO) of glucose and an amino group (NH2) of a protein are attracted to each other. The molecules combine, forming what is called a Schiff base within the protein. This combination is unstable and quickly rearranges itself into a stabler, but still reversible, substance known as an Amadori product.
If a given protein persists in the body for months or years, some of its Amadori products slowly dehydrate and rearrange themselves yet again, into new glucose-derived structures. These can combine with various kinds of molecules to form irreversible structures named advanced glycosylation end products (AGE’s). Most AGE’s are yellowish brown and fluorescent and have specific spectrographic properties. More important for the body, many are also able to cross-link adjacent proteins, particularly ones that give structure to tissues and organs. Although no one has yet satisfactorily described the origin of all such bridges between proteins, many investigators agree that extensive cross-linking of proteins probably contributes to the stiffening and loss of elasticity characteristic of aging tissues.
In an attempt to link this process with the development of cataracts (the browning and clouding of the lens of the eye as people age), researchers studied the effect of glucose on solutions of purified crystallin, the major protein in the lens of the eye. Glucose-free solutions remained clear, but solutions with glucose caused the proteins to form clusters, suggesting that the molecules had become cross-linked. The clusters diffracted light, making the solution opaque. The researchers also discovered that the pigmented cross-links in human cataracts have the brownish color and fluorescence characteristic of AGE’s. These data suggest that nonenzymatic glycosylation of tens crystallins may contribute to cataract formation. (454) [br] If the hypothesis stated at the end of the passage is true, it can be inferred that the crystallin proteins in the lenses of people with cataracts _______.
A、have increased elasticity
B、do not respond to enzymatic glycosylation
C、are at least several months old
D、respond more acutely than other proteins to changes in moisture levels
推理判断题。本文第四段指出,nonenzymatic glycosylation的过程是较为复杂漫长的一个过程If a given protein persists in the body formonths or years,some of its Amadori products slowly dehydrate and rearrange themselves yet again,into new glucose-derived structures.These can combine with various kinds of molecules to form irreversible structures named advanced glycosylation end products (AGE’s),如果这一过程确实与白内障的形成有关的话,那么crystallin proteins至少要存在几个月的时间。
( )不属于面向对象技术的基本特征。A.封装性 B.模块性 C.多态性
下列关于1型糖尿病的叙述,错误的是A.多发于青少年 B.不需依靠胰岛素治疗
景区提高门票价格应当提前3个月公布。( )
证券服务机构为证券的( )等证券业务活动制作、出具审计报告、资产评估报告、财务
,6,30( )A.90 B.180 C.150 D.210
慎用牛黄解毒丸的患者是A.脾胃虚寒者 B.孕妇 C.虚火上炎所致牙痛 D.