For the following conversation:A: Do you know where Xiao Wang is?B: I’m busy.___

游客2023-12-18  36

问题 For the following conversation:A: Do you know where Xiao Wang is?B: I’m busy.______ is the conversation implicature.

选项 A、B is busy.
B、B does not know where Xiao Wang is.
C、B does not want to answer A’s question.
D、B is correct.

答案 C

解析 会话含义(Conversational Implicature)指的是当说话人公然地不执行某一条准则,而且让听话者也知道了他在违反某一准则,这时便很有可能产生会话含义,这是说话人有意通过违反准则让对方体会到的言外之意。在例句中,B并没有直接地回答A的问题,而是回答自己很忙,言外之意最可能是“我现在没空,不想回答你的问题”。