There is no way to learn the material for college course without spending ti
There is no way to learn the material for college course without spending ti
There is no way to learn the material for college course without spending time and effort in studying. There is no magic formula that will result in getting that knowledge. You must spend time and effort in the process. A certain number of hours of hard work are required. But you can make better use of the time through some common-sense tips.
A Time-Budgeting Plan
Consider some practical suggestions for the arrangement of your study schedule. In other words, you need a plan to budget your time. It will pay big dividends if you will set aside a few minutes or an hour as soon as possible after classes each day. Use this time to review the materials covered in the class periods of the day. Remember that you will forget a large portion within twenty-four hours after you hear or read it for the first time. Try to find a time at the end of your regular school day-or in the middle of it, if you have vacant period. You can review what was covered in each of the day’s classes before it has had time to slip out of your mind. As a result, your memory will be stepped up greatly.
A Regular Time for Study
Set aside a regular time for your study of tomorrow’s lessons. If you can possibly arrange it, it is a good policy to study at the same time each day. Doing this will help avoid :the problem of needing to study and letting the time slip by so that it doesn’t get done. All of us have done this. We had the best of intentions, but we did not get started until it was too late. So have a routine of studying at a certain time each day, and never schedule anything else for that time. Then you will have the best possible chance to avoid missing your study due to poor use of time.
A Place for Study
Have one particular place where you can go to study. This does not mean, of course, that you can never, under any circumstance, study anywhere else. It does mean that when you have serious study to do, you try to go to this place to do it. Pick a place that has few distractions. It must be a place where there are no conversations, no activities of friends, or no interesting noises. There must be no reminders of things more pleasant than studying to compete for your attention. A table facing a wall with nothing but your actual work materials is best. And while your chair may have a soft cushion, it should not be so comfortable that it encourages you to relax completely. Habit Can Help You Study
Get into the habit of going to a place at a certain time to study. Then you will find that it becomes easier for you to concentrate. You lose less time in warming up to your subject. Right away you will get into the proper frame of mind at your special study place and time. When doing this becomes a habit, you have made good progress. It has become easier to make yourself go through your study routine. In other words, going to one place at a regular time for study not only helps you to get started more easily, but also replaces willpower with the habit of studying. [br] Which of the following statements best covers the suggestions given for study?
A、You need a regular plan, place, and time for study.
B、You must be willing to spend time and effort studying.
C、You should pick a place where you can study and won’t be distracted.
D、You need to get into the habit of study.
1 Howiscommunicationactuallyachieved?Itdepends,ofcourse,eitheronaco
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