[originaltext](knock on the door)Professor: Come in. Come in.Michael: Good mo
[originaltext](knock on the door)Professor: Come in. Come in.Michael: Good mo
(knock on the door)
Professor: Come in. Come in.
Michael: Good morning Professor Plant. I understand you wanted to see me?
Professor: Yes, Michael, I did. It’s about your course work.
Michael: My course work?
Professor: I’m afraid your tutor, Mr. Atkins, has reported to me that the standard of your work has been getting worse.
Michael: I know, Professor, I...er...
Professor: He tells me that the essays you have done this term have been weak, and that your attendance at his tutorials and seminars has been poor.
Michael: He has spoken to me about it, Professor.
Professor: At this stage, Michael, your course work is very important. I understand from Mr. Atkins that you are capable of an upper second and it would be a pity to ruin your chances of a good degree, wouldn’t it?
Michael: Yes, it would.
Professor: Michael, I think you should do two things. The first is to cut down on your Union activities-I understand you do a lot in the Student Union—and the second is to see one of the Welfare tutors to discuss any problems you may have. I’d like you to make an appointment to do that as soon as possible.
Michael: All right, Professor.
Professor: And I’ll expect to hear that your course work has improved. Good morning, Michael,
Michael: Good morning, Professor, and thank you.
(Michael is in the Welfare Of fice.)
Michael: I hope I’m not late, Miss Baxter. I have an appointment for 11 o’clock. Professor Plant asked me to come.
Baxter: Take a seat, please.
Michael: My name’s Michael Andrews. I’m in my last year.
Baxter: Oh yes, you’re Chairman of the Social Science Society, aren’t you?
Michael: That’s right. That’s one of my problems. It’s been taking up too much time.
Baxter: Surely there must be another student who could take over the job,
Michael: Yes, there is someone, I suppose.
Baxter: There isn’t anything else worrying you, is there, Mr. Andrews? Anything personal. I mean. At home? Financial? You needn’t feel embarrassed. There may be something I can do to help.
Michael: I... er... I’m in debt.
Baxter: Surely you have a reasonable grant?
Michael: Yes, I have, but this term’s hasn’t come yet and I borrowed some money when I bought a car.
Baxter: I see.
Michael: Now this person—well, actually he’s a friend—now he wants his money back.
Baxter: That seems natural enough. How much do you owe him?
Michael: One hundred pounds.
Baxter: Well, I’m afraid it’s against our policy to lend money to students. The only solution seems to he to sell the car, Otherwise you’ll be short of money all term.
Michael: Yes, I suppose so.
Baxter: In any case, I’ll ask your County to send your grant as soon as possible.
Michael: Thank you very much.
(Michael is talking to his friend Tessa in the students’ coffee bar.)
Tessa: Cheer up, Mike, you look really down in the dumps. What’s the matter?
Michael: I’ve seen the Professor this morning and the Welfare Tutor. They’ve advised me to resign as Chairman of the Social Science Society.
Tessa: Resign! But you’ve done it so well.
Michael: Yes, I know, but I can’t get through my work and I’ve got finals coming up. I intended to work really hard last vacation, but you know what happened.
Tessa: I suppose it is best to resign, Mike. Peter can take over.
Michael: That’s not all. There’s a bigger blow.
Tessa: Money, I suppose.
Michael: Well, I owe Jim a hundred pounds.
Tessa: What for? The car, was it? You are a fool, Mike. I can’t see how’ an economist can be so silly about money.
Michael: I’ll just have to sell the car!
Tessa: Well, cheer up! You can always use my bike.
A、Chairman of the Social Science Society
B、Chairman of the Natural Science Society
C、Chairman of the Environmental Work Society
D、Chairman of the Literature Society
大量输血后患者可出现()。A.碱中毒 B.高钾血症 C.凝血异常 D.
关于前置胎盘的超声诊断,下列哪一项是错误的A.过度膀胱充盈下检查准确性高 B.
下列焊接方法中,()是目前钢制储罐焊接方法中应用最广泛的一种。 A、手工电
口腔黏膜药物渗透性能顺序为A、颊黏膜>舌下黏膜>牙龈、硬腭黏膜 B、颊黏膜>牙
()是会计的两项基本职能A.核算和监督 B.核算和计量