Since the late 1970’s, in the face of a severe 10ss of market share in dozens
Since the late 1970’s, in the face of a severe 10ss of market share in dozens
Since the late 1970’s, in the face of a severe 10ss of market share in dozens of industries, manufacturers in the United States have been trying to improve productivity and therefore enhance their international competitiveness through cost-cuttig programs. (Cost-cutting here is defining the amount of labor constant.) However, from 1978 through 1982, productivity -- the value of goods manufactured divided by the amount of labor input -- did not improve; and while the results were better in the business upturn of the three years following, they ran 25 percent lower than productivity improvements during earlier, post-1945 upturns. At the same, it became clear the harder manufactures worked to implement cost-cutting, the more they lost their competitive edge.
With this paradox in mind, I recently visited 25 companies; it became clear to me that the cost-cutting approach to increasing productivity is fundamentally flawed. Manufacturing regularly observes a "40, 40, 20" rule. Roughly 40 percent of any manufacturing-based competitive advantage derives from long-term changes in manufacturing structure (decisions about the number, size, location, and capacity of facilities) and in approaches to materials. Another 40 percent comes from major changes in equipment and process technology. The final 20 percent rests on implementing conventional east-cutting. This rule does not be tried. The well-known tools of this approach -- including simplifying jobs and retraining employees to work smarter, not harder -- do produce results. But the tools quickly reach the limits of what they can contribute.
Another problem is that the cost-cutting approach hinders innovation and discourages creative people. As Abernathy’s study of automobile manufacturers has shown, an industry can easily become prisoner of its own investment in cast-cutting techniques, reducing its ability to develop new products. And managers under pressure to maximize cost-cutting will resist innovation because they know that more fundamental changes in processes or systems will wreak havoc with the results on which they are measured. Production managers have always seen their job as one of minimizing costs and maximizing output. This dimension of performance has until recently sufficed as a basis of evaluation, but it has created a penny-pinching, mechanistic culture in most factories that has kept away creative managers.
Every company I know that has freed itself from the paradox has done so, in part, by developing and implementing a manufacturing strategy. Such a strategy facturing and implementing a manufacturing strategy. Such a strategy focuses on the manufacturing structure and on equipment and process technology. In one company a mamufacturing strategy that allowed different areas of the factory to specialize in different markets replaced the conventional cast-cutting approach; within three years the company regained its competitive advantage. Together with such strategies, successful companies are. also encouraging managers to focus on a wider set of objectives besides cutting costs. There is hope for manufacturing, but it clearly rests on a different way of managing. [br] The author of t. he passage is primarily concerned with ______.
A、summarizing a thesis
B、recommending a different approach
C、comparing points of view
D、making a series of predictions
金融创新与金融发展的关系()。A.金融创新推动金融发展 B.金融创新阻碍
甲状腺癌的声像图特点是A.内部血供丰富,边缘环绕血流少见 B.因大多无包膜,故
A.筋痹 B.骨痹 C.肌痹 D.皮痹 E.脉痹以至阴遇此者为
皮疹为皮肤上同时存在斑疹、丘疹、水疱疹和结痂疹,最可能的诊断是( )。A.幼儿