As a probing psychologist he is the unrivalled master among all living Briti

游客2023-12-17  24

问题     As a probing psychologist he is the unrivalled master among all living British and American novelists. Neither do any of his colleagues possess his fantastic imaginative powers and his ability to create characters. His subhuman and superhuman figures, tragic or comic in a macabre way, emerge from his mind with a reality that few existing people   even those nearest to us — can give us, and they move in a milieu whose odors of subtropical plants, ladies’ perfumes, Negro sweat, and the smell of horses and mules penetrate immediately even into a Scandinavian’s warm and cosy den. As a painter of landscapes he has the hunter’s intimate knowledge of his own hunting-ground, the topographer’s accuracy, and the impressionist’s sensitivity. Moreover — side by side with Joyce and perhaps even more so — Faulkner is the great experimentalist among twentieth-century novelists.  Scarcely two of his novels are similar technically. It seems as if by this continuous renewal he wanted to achieve the increased breadth which his limited world, both in geography and in subject matter, cannot give him.


答案    福克纳是一名善于观察的心理学家,在众多仍然在世的英荚小说家当中,他堪称是无人匹敌的大师。他的同行当中无人具有他那非凡的想象力以及塑造人物的能力。在以死亡为主题的悲剧或喜剧中,福克纳塑造的近似人类而又超乎人类的人物都来源于他对现实的观察,而这些现实即使是我们身边最贴近的人都很少有人能够提供如此真实的信息。这些人物在一个混杂了亚热带植物的清香、女人香水的芳香、黑人汗水的体香和骡马臭味的环境中活动,这股气味甚至可以立即弥漫到斯堪的纳维亚的一间温暖舒适的小房子里。作为一名风景画画家,福克纳具有猎人般熟知猎场的能力,地形学家的精确的判断力和印象派画家的敏感力。此外,福克纳还是二十世纪伟大的实验主义者和小说家,与乔伊斯并列,但或许要强于乔伊斯。在他的小说当中,没有任何两部小说在写作手法上是相似的。似乎正是通过这种不断的更新,福克纳才可以获得他想要的创作广度,而这种广度是他所处的缺乏创见的世界(无论是主观的还是客观的世界)所不能给予他的。
