Planning is a very important activity in ourlives. It can give pleasure, eve

游客2023-12-17  10

问题    Planning is a very important activity in our
lives. It can give pleasure, even excitement, and it【M1】______
can cause quite severe headaches. The most significant【M2】______
the task ahead, the more careful the planning
required. Getting to school or to work on time is a
task requiring few or no planning, it is almost routine【M3】______
A month’s touring holiday abroad, or better
still, getting married, is a different matter altogether
If the matter involve a church wedding, a reception【M4】______
a honeymoon in Venice, and returning a new 【M5】______
home, this requires even more planning to make sure
that it is successful. Planning is our way of trying to
ensure success and of avoiding costly failures we can
not suffer. It is equally essential to individual nations【M6】______
and families; the scale may be vary, but the 【M7】______
degree of importance does not. In tile essence, a nation 【M8】______
planning its resources and needs do not differ【M9】______
from the familiar weekly shopping or monthly house
hold budget. Both ate designed to ensure an adequate
supply of essentials, and if improperly carried【M10】______
out, will avoid shortages, wastage and over-expenditure. [br] 【M10】


答案 将improperly改为properly。

解析 因为只有做对了,才能避免物资匮乏和浪费,例如:Mall is properly speaking,based upon hope;he has no other possession but hope.确切地说,人靠希望活着,除了希望,一无所有。