Although it is now possible to bring most high blood pressure under control, t
Although it is now possible to bring most high blood pressure under control, t
Although it is now possible to bring most high blood pressure under control, the causes of essential hypertension remain elusive. Understanding how hypertension begins is at least partly a problem of understanding when in life it begins, and this may be very early-perhaps within the first few months of life. Since the beginning of the century, physicians have been aware that hypertension may run in families, but before the 1970s, studies of the familial aggregation of blood pressure treated only populations 15 years of age or older. Few studies were attempted in younger persons because of a prevailing notion that blood pressures in this age group were difficult to measure and unreliable and because essential hypertension was widely regarded as a disease of adults.
In 1971, a study of 700 children, ages 2 to 14, used a special blood pressure recorder which minimizes observer error and allows for standardization of blood pressure readings. Before then, it had been well established that the blood pressure of adults aggregates familially, that is, the similarities between the blood pressure of an individual and his siblings are generally too great to be explained by chance. The 1971 study showed that familial clustering was measurable in children as well, suggesting that factors responsible for essential hypertension are acquired in childhood. Additional epidemiological studies demonstrated a clear tendency for the children to retain the same blood pressure patterns, relative to their peers, four years later. Thus, a child with blood pressure higher or lower than the norm would tend to remain higher or lower with increasing age.
Meanwhile, other investigators uncovered a complex of physiologic roles-including blood pressure-for a vasoactive (作用于血管的) system called the kallikrein-kinin (血管舒缓酶-激酞原 ) system. Kallikreins are enzymes in the kidney and blood plasma which act on precursors (先兆) called kininogens to produce vasoactive peptides(酞)called kinins. Several different kinins are produced, at least three of which are powerful blood vessel dilators. Apparently, the kallikrein-kinin system normally tends to offset the elevations in arterial pressure that result from the secretion of salt-conserving hormones such as aldosterone(醛固酮) on the one hand and from activation of the sympathetic nervous system (which tends to constrict blood vessels) on the other hand.
It is also known that urinary kallikrein excretion is abnormally low in subjects with essential hypertension. Levels of urinary kallikrein in children are inversely related to the diastolic blood pressures of both children and their mothers. Children with the lowest kallikrein levels are found in the families with the highest blood pressure. In addition, black children tend to show somewhat lower urinary kallikrein levels than white children, and blacks are more likely to have high blood pressure. There is a great deal to be learned about the biochemistry and physiologic roles of the kallikrein-kinin system. But there is the possibility that essential hypertension will prove to have biochemical precursors. [br] The evidence that a child with blood pressure higher or lower than the norm would tend to retain the same blood pressure pattern with increasing age is introduced by the author in order to ______.
A、suggest that essential hypertension may have biochemical causes
B、show that high blood pressure can be detected in children under the age of 15
C、provide evidence that factors affecting blood pressure are already present in children
D、propose that increased screening of children for high blood pressure should be undertaken
这也是一个逻辑推理问题。作者为何要介绍这种信息?作者在第二段描述了在儿童中展开的新的研究,这表明在儿童中引发高血压的因素是可以查清楚的;所以C的答案是对的。A的错误在于作者没有一开始探讨生化研究,仅仅是做流行病学的调查。B是错的,这有些答非所问。作者确实说到这种研究事实上是可行的,但并没有引用研究的结果去证实这种study是可能的。恰恰相反,作者引用结果去证实 C提及的进一步的结论。D与A一样,也是答非所问。
下列属于稳压泵不能正常启动的原因是()。A.稳压泵启泵压力设定不正确 B.稳
A.两杆均内侧受拉 B.两杆均外侧受拉 C.a杆内侧受拉,b杆外侧受拉 D
不适合脑脊髓液穿刺检查适应证的是A.中枢神经系统疾病椎管内给药治疗 B.脑瘤合
主要表现为收缩性心力衰竭的非特异性心肌病是A.原发扩张型心肌病 B.肥厚型
培训项目的开发与管理中,培训项目材料包括()。A.课程描述 B.课程的具体计
原发性肺结核好发于( )。A.下叶后基底段 B.上叶后段或下叶上段 C.上
根据第三版巴塞尔资本协议的要求,储备资本要求为( )。A.1% B.2%
下列质量数据特征值中,用来描述数据离散趋势的是( )。A.极差 B.中位数