In last two years the world has seen an intensification 【M1】 the se

游客2023-12-16  17

问题   In last two years the world has seen an intensification  【M1】______.
in the search for sustainable development and social 【M2】______.
responsible business. A series of events, from demonstrations
at the WTO meetings in Seattle expressing dissatisfaction
for the effects of economic globalization, the terrorist attacks 【M3】______.
on the WTO in New York on "9•11", corporate financial
scandals such as Enron, WorldCom and Ahold, the collapse 【M4】______.
of He Argentinean economy and the Internet bubble, have
extended this search from wastern social and environmental
circles to mainstream economic and business circles across
the globe. According to Hazel Henderson, a leading thinker
on economics and development, the traditional economic  【M5】______.
profession is in a state of crisis. We witness such impoverishing   【M6】______.
of millions in Thailand, Indonesia and the other "tiger economies"
during the Asian meltdown, as well as in Russia, Mexico, Brazil,
and Argentina. Too often, luring people from their traditional
ways and communities into monetarized urban areas has
proved unsustainably and led to such human tragedies.   【M7】______.
This criticism is recognized by an increasing number of mainstream
economists, who are "defecting" their orthodoxies. They are helping
expand the horizons of the economics profession toward a more
modest, inclusive and inter-disciplinary stance. Leading universities
and institutes like the World Bank are stepping up research 【M8】______.
on alternate development indicators, accounting for "softer" 【M9】______.
values such as environment, social values and general well being
of the society with a long term time horizon. These efforts reflect
much of that the notion of Gross National Happiness is all about.【M10】 _____.
In response to the scandals in corporate governance and the increased
call for truly responsible business leadership, the western business
community is also exploring alternatives. [br] 【M6】


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解析 本题辨析动词的时态。涉及到动词时态的问题一定要通读全句甚至是全文,找出动作或状态发生的时间。这一句的时间状语是during the Asian meltdown,是指过去的时间,所以应该用一般过去时。