Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what they imagine they sho

游客2023-12-16  33

问题   Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should bed rather, they are themselves and as such do not use their energy putting on a performance, maintaining pretence, and manipulating others. They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. Winners do not need to hide behind a mask.
  Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge. They can separate facts from opinions and don’t pretend to have all the answers. They listen to others, evaluate what they say, but come to their own conclusions. Although winners can admire and respect other people, they are not totally defined, demolished, bound, or awed by them.
  Winners do not play "helpless", nor do they play the blaming game. Instead, they assume responsibility for their own lives.


答案 赢家不会置身于概念,想象他们“理当”成为何种人;相反,他们按天性行事。因此,他们不会费神地装模作样,故作姿态,玩弄他人。他们很清楚爱与装爱、傻与装傻、真才实学与故作高深之间的区别。赢家无需用面具掩饰自己。

解析   1.Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept Of what they imagine they should be;rather,they are themselves and as such do not use their energy putting on a performance,maintaining pretence,and manipulating others.
  这是本段的主题句。从汉语的表达习惯来看,句子“欲止还说,拖沓赘述”! 然而,这正是英语句法特征之一。
  Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be.如译为“成功者不会致力于想象之人生”,似乎流畅简洁。但是,what they imagine they should be被“浓缩”成“想象之人生”,原句寓意的丰富外延被无端扩大了。“想象之人生”,不仅包括了what (they imagine) they should be,而且还可以包括在何处度过人生、有怎样的人生伴侣等等,不一而足。
  原文中they are themselves的意思略嫌含混,什么叫做“他们就是他们自己”呢?说了似乎等于没说。如果化朦胧为清晰,译文可能是:“他们追求真实的自我”。“他们追求真实的自我”。“他们随心所欲地生活”。但这些搀入个人感悟的解释性翻译,毕竟有点强加于人的味道,其解释的寓意的涵盖面毕竟小于原句(they are themselves)!其实,文学翻译中直译应该为首选,模糊有时也是一种美学要求。因为直译的精髓是真正意义上的翻译,而不是牵强的释译,更不是糅合了译者主观想象和猜度的演绎。
  2.They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving,between being stupid and acting stupid,between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable.
  此句内容丰富(1oving/stupid/knowledgeable),形式整饬(parallelism)。句中有being A and acting A句式,其中的acting的含义是behaving like or posing as(假装,举止像……,装作……)。acting stupid不能译成“大智若愚”,因为,“大智若愚”之“愚”绝非“装愚”(acting stupid)之“愚”,而是一种天然流露之真“愚”!
  3.Winners do not need to hide behind a mask.
  翻译美学认为: 形象表达的审美价值一般在无形象的表达之上。Nida认为,功能对等(functional equivalent)的翻译要求“不但是信息内容的对等,而且尽可能地要求形式的对等。”(not only the equivalent content of message,but,in so far as possible,an equivalence of the form.) 本句拟保留形象,采用直译的方法。
  试译: 成功者无须躲藏在面具后面。
  4,Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge.
  He thought,not very vividly,of his father and mother.
  反说译文: 他并不是很鲜明地想到了他的爸爸和妈妈。
  正说译文: 他模模糊糊地想到了他的爸爸和妈妈。
  No one knows where the shoe pinches like the wearer.
  反说译文: 没有一个人会像穿鞋者那样知道鞋子挤脚。
  正说译文: 哪儿挤脚,穿鞋人最清楚。
  试译: 成功者敢于独立思考,敢于运用自己的知识。
  5.They can separate facts from opinions and don’ t pretend to have all the answers.
  名词opinions后面的一个s,暗示opinion(意见)之多,之杂!此外,separate A from B也不能译成“区分A和B”,separate A from B有别于tell A from B/distinguish A from B,后两者的意思才是“区别/区分A与B”,而separate A from B的确切意思是“把A从B中区别区分出来”。American Heritage Dictionary对separate A from B提供的解释是: to remove from a mixture or combination。
  试译: 他们能够把事实从纷繁的意见中剥离出来,而又不会假装知晓一切。
  6.They listen to others,evaluate what they say,but come to their own conclusions.
  7.Although winners can admire and respect other people,they are not totally defined,demolished,bound,or awed by them.
  原句的主句连用四个过去分词(defined,demolished,bound,or awed),构成不可多得的parallelism。但必须指出,这四个分词的逻辑指向是一致的,表明了winners的处世哲学,表明了winners对于自己的崇敬者的正确态度。
  试译: 虽然赢家也钦佩他人、尊敬他人,但是,他们不会完全被他人所限制、所摧垮、所束缚、所吓倒。
  8.Winners do not play“helpless”,nor do they play the blaming game.Instead,they assume responsibility for their own lives.
  这两句是收场句,其中play the blaming game的翻译必须参照上下文。
  上句: Winners do not play“helpless”,nor do they play the blaming game.
  下句: Instead,they assume responsibility for their own lives.
  上句中blaming game与下句中assume responsibility(承担责任)前后一反一正,形成比照,而“比照”则是正确理解前句的“拐杖”。因此,play the blaming game可以译为:“推诿”,或者“怨天尤人”。
  试译: 成功者也不会佯装“无助”,也不会玩弄“推诿”,相反,他们承担起自己的生活责任。