You should not fear spiders thanks to their poison. Of all the spiders in 【M

游客2023-12-16  9

问题   You should not fear spiders thanks to their poison. Of all the spiders in   【M1】______
North America, only one kind is really dangerous and most would not bite if
they were handled. They much prefer to run away or dropping to the ground  【M2】______
on a thread of silk. Even so, when a spider runs directly toward a person, it
gives impression that it is about to attack. Actually, it cannot see the person 【M3】______
on its way. The spider is too short-sighted to see things at the distance. It  【M4】______
only wanted to go where it won’ t be disturbed. In America one kind of spider  【M5】______
is responsible for the frightened reputation of the rest. It is the Black Widow.   【M6】______
Such called because the female, which is larger than the male, often eats her  【M7】______
husband after making love. The Black Widow is found in all states or is most   【M8】______
common in the south and the west. She constructs a loose, irregular web
under a pile of ruin or near the foundations of buildings where she is seldom  【M9】______
disturbed. She is not an attacking spider and many people have proven this by
letting her to crawl over their hands. When she bites, it is usually in self- 【M10】______
defense. In spite of the stories you may have had heard, it is rare for a person
to be bitten by a Black Widow and even more unusual for the bite to prove
fatal. But remember that her poison is powerful and even though she is shy,
she should be respected. [br] 【M7】


答案 such——改成so

解析 so called为一常用结构,意即“如此称呼”,所以应将such改为so。