The pale sun burned away the morning chill and the clinging dampness, reveali

游客2023-12-15  31

问题    The pale sun burned away the morning chill and the clinging dampness, revealing a gigantic silent world. Enormous trees with trunks forty, feet in diameter rose two hundred feet overhead, where they spread their dense leafy canopy, blocking out the sky and perpetually dripping water to the ground below. Curtains of gray moss, and the creepers and lianas, hung down in a tangle from the trees; parasitic orchids sprouted from the trunks.
   At ground level, huge ferns, gleaming with moisture, grew higher than a man’s chest and held the low ground fog. Here and there was a spot of color: the red acanthema blossoms, which were deadly poison, and the blue dicindra vine, which only opened in early morning. But the basic impression was of a vast, oversized, gray-green world an alien place inhospitable to man.
   Jan Kruger put aside his rifle and stretched his stiff muscles. Dawn came quickly at the equator; soon it was quite light, although the mist remained.


答案 惨白的太阳正在驱散清晨的寒气和贴近地面的潮湿雾气,使这片辽阔而又恬静的世界露出本来面目。这里的树木硕大无朋,树干直径达40英尺。一棵棵高达200英尺的大树拔地而起,浓密的枝叶形成的巨大树冠遮天蔽日,树叶上还不断向下滴着水。树木之间是大片的灰色苔藓植物、密如蛛网的匍蔓植物和藤本植物,树干上还冒出许多寄生的兰科植物。地上长着半人多高的巨大蕨类植物,蕨丛问雾气缭绕,湿漉漉的叶丽上反射出熠熠亮光,万绿丛中时而还露出点点红色和蓝色:那红的是有剧毒的棘昙花,那蓝的是只有清晨才开花的狄馨拉藤。这里是一个莽莽苍苍、横无际涯、由灰色和绿色组成的世界——但是对于人来说却是个陌生的、无法生活的世界。
