It is not compatible with the egalitarian ideal that there should be sharp d
It is not compatible with the egalitarian ideal that there should be sharp d
It is not compatible with the egalitarian ideal that there should be sharp differences in the scale of monetary reward fro services performed. In New Zealand, care of the underdog has long since been a more important consideration than is the case in very many other countries. Successive governments may claim with some justice to have abolished poverty, but this has not been done without there taking place a narrowing of margins between the rewards for skilled and unskilled labor, with its consequent denial of incentive to acquire skill, to strive for self-improvement. The country’s citizens have come to regard social security as their inalienable right, but by taking too readily for granted the State’s obligation towards themselves they re apt to lose sight of the converse proposition that they themselves have obligations to he state.
The reluctance to reward skilled labor at rates calculated to provide an incentive for acquiring skill has its counterpart in the reluctance to remunerate the nations’ best scholars and scientists on a scale sufficient to keep a fair proportion of them at home.
The fact is often deplored that so many young men of the highest ability prefer to take up a career overseas, but it is doubtful whether higher salaries would stem their exodus in more than a minor degree. Under any circumstances, regardless of monetary reward, the intellectual elite would be tempted to go abroad in search of a wider field of endeavor than can be found in so small a country as New Zealand.
In a society where great wealth is regarded as antisocial, it is natural that ostentation should be looked at Cskance. Marks of distinction are liable to be a handicap, for instance, the politician who accepts a title does not usually improve his chances of gaining or retaining office by doing so, Richard Seddon, it will be remembered, consistently and doubtless wisely refused to accept a knighthood. Wealth carries with it a minimum of prestige; it is a positive disadvantage to the aspirant to a political career. Strongly marked individuality or eccentricity are seldom in evidence among New Zealanders, and even where they do exist, the qualities are tolerated rather than appreciate. The rule o conformity prevails, and if the American writer, Sydney Greenbie, is to be believed, it has already produced a considerable measure of standardization among the inhabitants of the Dominion. "In face and feature, in mind and taste." Writes Greenbie, "the modem New Zealanders are so much alike that it is hard to remember the names of persons you meet casually for lack of distinguishing characteristics to which the eye can cling."
Under conditions such as those described above, it is not surprising that no Privileged class should have come into existence through long possession of landed estate or other permanent source of income. Nevertheless, the claim that New Zealanders have developed a classless society can scarcely be substantiated. Snobbery, when discouraged in one quarter, is prone to appear in some new form elsewhere. Recent investigations by A.A. Congalton and R. J. Havighurst show that there is a fairly well defined and universal appreciation of the graduated social status attaching to various social occupations. Results of a survey in which a cross section of he public was asked to answer a series of apposite questions showed, for example, that doctors, lawyers, and big businessmen were graded above heads of Government Departments, clergymen, and university professors; that office workers rated higher than shop assistants, miners than wharf laborers, and so on. Incidentally, the investigation also brought to light the fact that may attempt to inquire into the existence of social distinctions within the community invariably roused resentment.
A privileged class being also a leisured class, its rejection is in keeping with a deep-seated belief that work has a virtue in its own right, without regard to its usefulness .In pioneer days, when hands were few and subsistence hard to win, it was indeed a crime to remain idle, and the habit of Seeing idleness as a vice has endured. At the beginning of he great slump, when Forbes the Prime Minister, shocked at what he had seen of the "dole" during a visit to England, declared that so long as he retained office there would be no payment without work, his words appealed to a moral precept deeply inculcated not only in the minds of reactionaries but of many radicals as well. [br] One result of New Zealand’s effort to abolish poverty is ______.
A、sharp differences between the rich and the poor
B、the egalitarian ideal becomes incompatible
C、are of the underdog becomes more important
D、skill learning and self-improvement are not desired
从第一段第三句话“Successive governments may claim with some justice to have abolished poverty, but this has not been done without there taking place a narrowing of margins between the rewards for skilled and unskilled labor.with its consequent denial of incentive to acquire skill,to strive for self-improvement.”中可以看出,新西兰致力于消除贫困,但是带来的后果却是导致人们失去动力去学习新的技能,提高自己的本领,因此答案为D。从第一段中可以推测出,新西兰一直致力于实现平等,努力降低贫富差距,因此可以排除A,B。而更为关心社会贫困人员是新西兰和其他国家相比的特点,不是它消除贫困的后果,因此C也不对。
下列不属于慢性肺心病失代偿期右心衰竭的体征是A.颈静脉怒张 B.肝颈静脉反流征
影响老年人心理状态的因素不包括A.生理功能衰退 B.家庭关系 C.营养状况
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