No one should be forced to wear a uniform under any circumstance. Uniforms

游客2023-12-15  14

问题     No one should be forced to wear a uniform under any circumstance.
Uniforms are demanding to the human spirit and totally unnecessary in a
democratic society. Uniforms tell the world that the person who wears has 1.______
no value as an individual and only lives to function as a part of a whole, 2.______
The individual in a uniform loses all self-worth.
    There are those who say that wearing a uniform gives a person sense 3. ______
of identification with a large, more important concept. What could be more 4. ______
important than the individual himself? If an organization is so weak that
it must rely on cloth and buttons to inspire the members, that organization 5.______
has no right to continue its existence. Others say that the practice of making
persons wear uniforms, say in a school, eliminates all envy and competition
in the matter of dress, such as a poor person who cannot afford good-quality 6.______
clothing is not to be belittled by a wealthy person who wears expensive
quality clothing. Those persons conveniently ignore such critical concepts as
freedom of choice, motivation, and individuality. If all persons are to wear 7.______
the same clothing, why would anyone strive to be better? It is only a short
step from forcing everyone to drive the same car, having the same type of 8.______
foods. When this happens, all incentive to improve one’s life is removed.
    Uniforms also hurt the economy. Right now, billions of dollars are spent
on the fashion industry yearly. If everyone were forced to wear uniforms,
artful personnel would be unnecessary. Sales persons would be superfluous 9. ______
as well; why bother to sell the only items that are available? The wearing of
uniforms would destroy the fashion industry, which would in turn to have 10.______
a ripple effect on such industries as advertising and promotion. Then, one
entire information and entertainment industry would collapse.  [br]


答案 artful—anistic/creative

解析 本题为形容词误用。artful表示“狡猾的、精明的;技巧熟练的”。但此处指大家都穿制服后,各种设计工艺、创造性的思维就不需要了,应当用artistic“艺术的”或creative“创造性的”。