Doctors who make a habit of measuring blood pressure in only one arm maybe

游客2023-12-15  6

问题     Doctors who make a habit of measuring blood pressure in only one
arm maybe doing their patients a disservice. l.______
    A new study shows that differences in blood pressure readings
about a patient’s right and left arm could be a sign of vascular disease 2.______
and a greater risk of dying from heart disease. The study, published in
The Lancet, suggests doctors always took blood pressure readings on 3.______
both arms — an existing guideline that is widely neglected. 4.______
    Recommendations to measure both arms exist in both British and
American blood pressure management guidelines, but it is regularly followed." 5.______
    In Britain, fewer than half of all doctors say they make a habit of
measuring blood pressure in both arms, Dr. Clark said, statistic that is 6, ______
likely to be similar in the United States.
    The consequences could be significant. In their study, Dr. Clark and
his colleagues pooled data from their own research and from about two
dozens other studies looking at differences in systolic blood pressure 7.______
readings between the two arms in patients. Systolic pressure, the top
number in a reading, reflects the number of pressure that blood exerts 8.______
on vessels while the heart is contracting.
    Although seemingly minor, it was associated with a 70 percent
great risk of dying from heart disease. The precise number of the 9.______
higher or lower systolic reading was less important than the extent of
the difference between them. A difference of even 10 millimeters was
enough to raise the risk of peripheral vascular disease, because the need 10.______
for measuring blood pressure in both arms was clear.  [br]


答案 ∧regularly—not

解析 本题为逻辑错误.根据文章的大意,英美两国规定医生检查时要测量左右两臂的血压,但是医生多数不遵守这项规则。