The iPhone has taken a big bite out of the BlackBerry in a market where the

游客2023-12-15  5

问题     The iPhone has taken a big bite out of the BlackBerry in a market where
the older phone once dominated: business customers in North America.
    Meanwhile, in Europe, Samsung poised to do the same to Research 1.______
in Motion, BlackBerry’s maker, as the growing number of businesses are 2.______
buying, or plan to buy, phones using the Android operating system.
    Although BlackBerry is a must-have accessory for the growing business
class in the developing economies of the world and RIM is adding customers
there at a healthy clip, but the company faces a problem in its established 3.______
markets. Businesses are looking for other option besides the BlackBerry. 4.______
    RIM, Apple and Android phones now equally share the workplace
market. In a recent global survey of information workers — people whom 5.______
use a computer or another smart device for at least an hour a day —
Forrester Research found that 27 percent of smartphone users said they had
an Android phone; 26 percent, a BlackBerry; and 24 percent, an iPhone.
    While some companies are cautious to allowing employees to use 6.______
Android phones in the office because of security concerns, more businesses
that let employees bring their own devices have approved Android devices.
Apple’s iPhone continues to be popular. Samsung Electronics sells 300 7.______
million handsets in 2011, almost all of them Android phones, and became
the biggest phone manufacturer in the world. It appears to be in the worst 8.______
position to profit from a shift in the market.
    RIM’s answer to the increasing popularity of Android handsets and the
iPhone is a new vision of the BlackBerry software, called BlackBerry 10. 9,______
But phones based on the new software system have been delayed several
times and are now expected until late 2012. 10.______ [br]


答案 the——a

解析 本题为冠词误用。a number of sb.表示很多人,而the number of sb.表示人的数量。句中指的是越来越多的商业人士正在购买或者计划购买配备了安卓操作系统的手机,故用前者。