Palestinians say that ______. [br] [originaltext] Israeli Prime Minister Ari
Palestinians say that ______. [br] [originaltext] Israeli Prime Minister Ari
Palestinians say that ______. [br]
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon backed up his call for an immediate ceasefire following eight months of fighting with the Palestinians by ordering Israel’ s army to cease all pre-emptive strikes against them.
A senior aide to Palestinian President Yasser Arafat termed the truce offer "a lie" and said yesterday a Palestinian "status of self-defence" would continue as long as lsrael occupied land in the west Bank and Gaza strip.
US President George W. Bush welcomed Sharon’ s statement White House spokesman Ari Fleischer told reporters in Washington on Tuesday: Fleischer added the United States "would welcome a similar statement" from the Palestinians.
Sharon called for a ceasefire at a news conference on Tuesday in which he rejected a total freeze of Jewish settlement activity, part of a plan by a US-led committee for ending Israeli-Palestinian violence.
"I propose to our neighbours that we work together to reach an immediate ceasefire and hope the Palestinians will answer the call postively," Sharon said at the news conference. "
"This is only a manoeuvre by Sharon’ s government aimed at allevating international pressure on Israel, which was condemned for excessive use of force," countered the Arafat aide, Ahmed Abdel-Rahman.
Israeli soldiers came under Palestinian fire in several parts of Gaza late on Tuesday and a roadside bomb exploded or its border with Egypt, which Israel patrols under interim peace deals, the army said. The soldiers returned fire. Israeli army spokesman Ron Kitrey said that, under the new guidelines, soldiers would "protect themselves and prevent terror attacks, "but would not initiate any fighting with Palestinians.
He said they would require government approval to enter areas under Palestinian control or carry out reprisal attacks, a change from a policy where Defence Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer had given field commanders a free hand to launch incursions.
At least 444 Palestinians, 87 Israelis and 13 Israeli Arabs have been killed since the Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation erupted in late September after peace talks stalled.
A、Sharon’s government aimed at alleviating international pressure on Israel
B、Sharon’s government felt guilty of their excessive use of force
C、Sharon’s government is demanded by the United States to stop fire
D、Sharon’s government is opposed by its people
可运用常识,政治没有conscience,所以不会fed guilty.而美国因为petroleum是support Israel的。并且文中有"This is only a manoeuvre by Sharon’s government aimed at alleviating international pressure on Israel, which was condemned for excessive use of force";"manoeuvre"为"(US) maneuvre"—"a strategic or tactical military movement"战略策略,军事技巧;"alleviate"为"to make more bearable."减缓;"aide"为"a military or naval officer acting as an assistant to a superior officer"副官。
1.题目:人教版高中必修一《铵盐的性质》片段教学 2.内容: 3.基本要
下列生殖方式中属于有性生殖的是()。A.接合生殖 B.二分裂 C.出芽生
影响外用膏剂透皮吸收的因素有A.皮肤的条件 B.药物的性质和浓度 C.基质的
电动机安装中,做法错误的是( )。A.电动机与基础之间衬垫防振物体 B.拧紧
知识点:营养巨幼红细胞贫血 女,8个月。皮肤蜡黄,虚胖,手足颤抖2个月,体检