Mrs. Jennings ruled absolutely at home, when she took so much trouble as to
Mrs. Jennings ruled absolutely at home, when she took so much trouble as to
Mrs. Jennings ruled absolutely at home, when she took so much trouble as to do anything at all there which was less often than might have been. As for Robert her husband.he was a poor stick.said the neighbours. And yet he was a man with enough of hardihood to remain a non-unionist in the erectors’ shop at Maidment’s all the years of his service; no mean test of a man’s fortitude and resolution, as many a sufferer for independent opinion might testify. The truth was that Bob never grew out of his courtship-blindness. Mrs. Jennings governed as she pleased, stayed out or came home as she chose, and cooked a dinner or didn’t, as her inclination stood. Thus it was for ten years, during which time there were no children, and Bob bore all things uncomplaining:cooking his own dinner when he found none cooked, and sewing on his own buttons. Then of a sudden came children, till in three years there were three; and Bob Jennings had to nurse and to wash them as often as not.
Mrs. Jennings at this time was what is called rather a fine woman:a woman of large scale and full development; whose slatternly habit left her coarse black hair to tumble in snake-locks about her face and shoulders half the day; who, clad in half-hooked clothes, bore herself notoriously and unabashed in her fullness; and of whom ill things were said regarding the lodger. The gossips had their excuse. The lodger was an irregular young cabinet-maker, who lost quarters and halves and whole days; who had been seen abroad with his landlady, what time Bob Jennings was putting the children to bed at home; who on his frequent holidays brought in much beer, which he and the woman shared, while Bob was at work. To carry the tale to Bob would have been a thankless errand, for he would have none of anybody’s sympathy, even in regard to miseries plain to his eye. But the thing got about in the workshop, and there his days were made bitter.
At home things grew worse. To return at half-past five, and find the children still undressed, screaming, hungry and dirty, was a matter of habit:to get them food, to wash them, to tend the cuts and bumps sustained through the day of neglect, before lighting a fire and getting tea for himself, were matters of daily duty. "Ah, " he said to his sister, who came at intervals to say plain things about Mrs. Jennings, "you shouldn’t go for to set a man against his wife. " Whereat his sister called him a fool (it was her customary goodbye at such times), and took herself off.
Bob Jennings’s intelligence was sufficient for his common needs, but it was never a vast intelligence. Now, under a daily burden of dull misery, it clouded and stooped. The base wit of the workshop he comprehended less, and realized more slowly, than before; and the gaffer cursed him for a sleepy dolt.
Mrs. Jennings ceased from any pretence of housewifery, and would sometimes sit—perchance not quite sober while Bob washed the children in the evening, opening her mouth only to express her contempt for him and his establishment, and to make him understand that she was sick of both.Once, exasperated by his quietness, she struck at him, and for a moment he was another man. "Don’t do that, Melier, " he said, "else I might forget myself." His manner surprised his wife:and it was such that she never did do that again.
So was Bob Jennings: without a friend in the world, except his sister, who reproached him, and the children, who squalled at him: when his wife vanished with the lodger, the clock, a shade of wax flowers, Bob’s best boots (which fitted the lodger), and his silver watch. Bob had returned, as usual, to the dirt and the children, and it was only when he struck a light that he found the clock was gone. [br] Which of the following words best describes Mrs. Jennings?
推断题。第五段首句就指出 Mrs.Jennings“opening her mouth only to express her contempt forhim and his establishment,and to make him understand that she was sick of both”,而且“she struck athim”。可见,她对自己的所作所为不以为耻,反而气焰嚣张地指责Bob,[B]符合此处语境。故为答案。
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