Which of the following statements about Arnold Schwarzenegger is TRUE? [br] The

游客2023-12-12  9

问题 Which of the following statements about Arnold Schwarzenegger is TRUE? [br] The best title for the passage would probably be

选项 A、Hard Decisions to Make.
B、A Constituitonal Amendment.
C、Teenage Pregnancies.
D、The State of California.

答案 A

解析 本题是主旨题。文章开篇指出一项新的宪法修正案,之后介绍加州十几岁的少女怀孕的人数非常多。对于 18岁以下少女流产必须要经过父母认可这项法案存在支持和反对两种声音。最后作者用其他州的数据来说明全文末句;Whatever your views on abortion, these statistics add up to an awful lot of heartache. [A]符合文意,故为答案。全文重点是对该修正案的讨论,非修正案本身,排除[B]。[C]是争论想要解决的问题,非本文主旨,排除。