[originaltext]Interviewee: Everybody always has this misconception that female
[originaltext]Interviewee: Everybody always has this misconception that female
Interviewee: Everybody always has this misconception that female policemen don’t do the same thing as men do, you know. I’ve worked...
Interviewer: That’s not true?
Interviewee: That’s not true! I’ve worked my share of graveyard shifts, and you’ know, split shifts, and double-backs and no days off, and...
Interviewer: Uh-huh...
Interviewee: ...as much as the next guy. And... go to...There’s no distinction used if there’s a male or female officer on duty. Two men on duty--I’ll refer to as two men, because in my field there’s no difference between the genders. We’ re still the same. Okay .... if there’s two men on duty--just because one’s a female, she still gets in on the same type call. If there’s a bar disturbance downtown, then we go too. There’s been many times where being the only officer on duty. It’s just me and whoever else is on duty in the country. They can come back me up if I need assistance. And it does get a little hairy. You go in there, and you have these great big, huge monster--guys, and they’re just drunker than skunks, ... and can’t see three feet in front of them. And when they see you, they see fifteen people, and you know.., but still there’s enough...
Interviewer: That’s where the uniform is important, I should imagine...
Interviewee: Sometimes,... you know. If somebody is going to-- or has a bad day, and they are out to get a cop, you know, it doesn’t matter if you’re.., you know,.., boy, girl, infant or anything! When you’ve got that cop uniform on, they’ll still take it out on you.
Interviewer: Yeah...
Interviewee: But I think there’s one advantage to being a female police officer. And that is the fact that most men still have a little respect, and they won’t smack you as easy as they would one of the guys.
Interviewer: Uh-huh...
Interviewee: But I’ll tell you one thing. I’ve learned--I’d rather deal with ten drunk men than one drunk woman any day of the week !
Interviewer: Well, why is that...?
Interviewee: Because women are so unpredictable. You cannot ever predict what a woman’s going to do.
Interviewer: Hmm...
Interviewee: Especially, if she’s agitated, you know...
Interviewer: Emotionally... upset...
Interviewee: Yeah. I saw a lady one time just get mad at the guy she was with because he wouldn’t buy her another drink--take off her high heal and lay his head wide open. Yeah! Oh, they can be so vicious, you know.
A、intends to mean two policemen.
B、means two policemen.
C、refers to a policeman and a policewoman.
D、doesn’t put stress on genders, just referring to two persons, working as cops.
先天性喉喘鸣患儿通常不出现下列哪项症状A、声音嘶哑 B、阵发性青紫 C、吸气
吉兰巴雷综合征与面神经炎的鉴别点是A.痛性抽搐 B.有明确原发病史 C.脑膜
医院感染中,泌尿道感染的主要致病病原体是A.表皮葡萄球菌 B.不动杆菌 C.
在我国,行使国家立法权的机构有( ) A.全国人民代表大会 B.全国人民代
中医学理论体系形成的基础有A古代自然科学的渗透 B古代哲学思想的影响 C
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A.三尖瓣关闭不全 B.二尖瓣狭窄 C.主动脉瓣关闭不全 D.室间隔缺损