What is the nationality of the cyclist who was found guilty of doping? [original

游客2023-12-11  11

问题 What is the nationality of the cyclist who was found guilty of doping?
Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, Switzerland, ruled Monday that Spanish cyclist Contador, a three-time winner of Tour de France, was guilty of doping.
    The decision from the Court resulted in Contador’s being stripped of his victory in the 2010 Tour and 12 other victories since then, and is yet another blow to a sport that has been repeatedly dishonored by doping scandals among the best cyclists in the world.
    Only two Tour de France winners since 1995 — Carlos Sastre in 2008 and Cadel Evans last year — have not become involved performance-enhancing drugs. Contador is perhaps the most talented cyclist of his generation and one of only five riders to win the grand tours of France, Italy and Spain. He was tested positive for clenbuterol, a weight-loss and muscle-building drug, during the 2010 Tour.
    The ruling also gave Contador a two-year back-dated ban from racing until Aug. 5, 2012, but he will not be able to take part in either the 2012 Tour de France or the London Olympic Games.
    It will be ruled at a later stage on a request from the ruling cycling body UCI to fine Contador at least 2.5 million euros.
                                                            The New York Times

选项 A、France

答案 C

解析 细节题。本报道在主题句就中提到Contador是西班牙自行车手:Spanish cyclist。因此答案为C。