Did these prejudices prevail only among the meatiest and lowest of the people

游客2023-12-11  35

问题    Did these prejudices prevail only among the meatiest and lowest of the people, perhaps they might be excused, as they have few, if any, opportunities of correcting them by reading, travelling, or conversing with foreigners; but the misfortune is that they infect the minds and influence the conduct, even of our gentlemen; of those, I mean, Who have every title to this appellation but an exemption from prejudice, which however, in my opinion, ought to be regarded as the characteristical mark of a gentleman; for let a man’s birth be ever so high, his station ever so exalted, or his fortune ever so large, yet if he is not free from national and other prejudices, I should make bold to tell him that he had a low and vulgar mind, and had no just claim to the character of a gentleman. And in fact, you will always find that those are most apt to boast of national merit, who have little or no merit of their own to depend on.


答案    倘若这些偏见仅在下层老百姓中盛行,或许尚可原谅,因为他们几乎没有机会通过读书、游历或与外国人交谈而对此偏见加以纠正。不幸的是,这些偏见甚至已经侵入国中君子的头脑,影响他们的行为了。我是指那些完全无愧于君子称号,但却未能免于抱有偏见的人。而在我看来,心无偏见应被视为君子的特征,因为一个人无论其出生何等高贵,地位何等显赫,财力何等雄厚,如若他未能免除民族偏见和其他偏见,我将不揣冒昧地对他说,他的心智低劣鄙俗,不配宜称自己拥有君子的品质。事实上,你总能发现那些本身无甚可取,甚而一无可取的人往往最惯于吹嘘民族优越性。
