Cellphones Aloft:The Inevitable Is Closer The day may fi

游客2023-12-11  10

问题                     Cellphones Aloft:The Inevitable Is Closer
    The day may finally be coming when you will be allowed to make calls on your own cellphone from an airliner. Trouble is, so will the passengers sitting on either side of you, and in front and in back of you, as well.
    Federal regulators plan next week to begin considering rules that would end the official ban on cellphone use on commercial flights. Technical challenges and safety questions remain. But if the ban is lifted, one of the last protections of relative social silence would disappear, forcing strangers to work out the rough manners of involuntary eavesdropping in a confined space.
    "For some people, the idea of being able to pick up their phone is going to be liberating; for some it’s going to drive them crazy," said Addison Schonland, a travel industry consultant at the Innovation Analysis Group in La Jolla, California. "Can you imagine 200 people having a conversation at once? There’s going to be a big market for noise-canceling headphones."
    The always-on-the-road business travelers may become the worst offenders, predicted Roger Entner, a telecommunications analyst with the Yankee Group and a frequent flier. "Businessmen will now compete with kids for the title of most annoying in the airplane," Mr. Entner said.
    It may be years before cellphones become widely used in the skies Conventional cellphones, besides raising concerns about interfering with cockpit communications, typically do not work at altitudes above 10,000 feet or so.
    But some airlines have already begun their own tests of technology meant to make cellphone use feasible at 35,000 feet. They know that the seatback phones they now oiler, costing $ 1.99 a minute or more, have never really caught on.
    The airlines also know that, while illegal, surreptitious cellphone use at lower altitudes is already common. Airline attendants have caught some passengers using cellphones in airplane lavatories, and others have been spotted huddled in their seats, whispering into their cupped hands.
    A major federal effort to revisit the rules will begin next Wednesday at a Federal Communications Commission meeting, where the agency is expected to approve two measures. One, an order that is expected to be adopted, would try to introduce more price competition among phone companies to offer telephone and high-speed Internet services from the seatback and end-of-aisle phones that are now on many planes. The second measure will begin the regulatory process of considering whether there are technical solutions to some of the current obstacles to passengers’ using their own mobile phones on planes. [br] Some airlines start testing the technology to make cellphone usable at 35,000 feet because

选项 A、their expensive seatback phones have not been feasible
B、cellphones interfere with the plane’s communication system
C、they want to tackle such a difficult technological issue
D、they have recognized the trend of in-flight cellphone use

答案 D

解析 本题考查推理引申。第六段中提到,座位上安装的固定电话每分钟收取话费1.99美元,因此这种电话从来没有真正流行开来。[A]项变成了“不可用”,与文意不符。第七段中作者说到,航空公司也知道,尽管非法,但是在低空中偷偷使用手机也很普遍。换句话说,航空公司意识到飞机上使用手机是一个必然的趋势,因此[D]正确。选项[B]是第五段提到的目前手机还不能广泛使用的原因。[C]所说的可能是事实,但却不是文中提及的原因,因此不正确。