Naturally, the spirit of carnival and the enthusiasm for high and military a

游客2023-12-09  40

问题     Naturally, the spirit of carnival and the enthusiasm for high and military adventure were soon disappeared once the eager young men had received a good taste of twentieth-century warfare. To their lasting glory, they fought with distinction, but it was a much-altered group of soldiers who returned from the battlefields in 1919. Especially was tree of the college contingent, whose idealism had led them to enlist early and who had generally seen a considerable amount of action. To them, it was bitter to return to a home town virtually untouched by the war, where citizens still talked with the naive Fourth-of-July joy they themselves had been guilty of two or three years earlier. It was even more bitter to find that their old jobs had been taken by the stay-at-homes, that business was suffering a recession that prevented the opening up of new jobs, and that veterans were considered problem children and less desirable than non-veterans for whatever business opportunities that did exist. Their very homes were often uncomfortable to them, they had outgrown towns and families and had developed a sudden bewildering worldweariness which neither they nor their relatives could understand.


答案     一旦这些心情急迫的年轻人饱尝了20世纪战争的滋味以后,那种狂欢的精神和要求从事轰轰烈烈的军事冒险的热情自然很快地就烟消云散了。他们曾战斗得很出色,并为此而永感自豪。但是1919年从战场回来的却是一批已经发生了很大变化的士兵。从大学参军的这一批人更是如此。理想主义使他们很早就参了军,因此一般来说他们经历的战斗比较多。对他们来说,回到了几乎没有受到战争影响的故乡是件痛苦的事,因为在故乡,公民们仍天真地像庆祝独立日那样自负地高谈阔论,两三年前他们就为自己也曾犯过这个毛病而感到自责。更令他们痛苦的是他们发现自己原来的工作岗位已被留在家里的人占据了。经济在经历一场衰退,因而不能提供新的工作。而现在有的为数不多的就业机会,人们又宁可要非退伍军人,而把退伍军人看做难对付的孩子,不太想要。就是他们的家对他们来说也常常是不舒服的。他们再也不能适应家乡和家庭了,并因此而增长了一种突然的、迷惘的厌世之感。这种思想不论他们自己还是他们的亲友都不能理解。
