On Armistice Day, the German armies had marched homeward in good order. "The

游客2023-12-08  20

问题     On Armistice Day, the German armies had marched homeward in good order. "They fought well," said Marshal Foch, Generalissimo of the Allies, with the laurels bright upon his brow, speaking in soldierly mood: "let them keep their weapons." But he demanded that the French frontier should henceforth be the Rhine. Germany might be disarmed; her military system shivered in fragments; her fortresses dismantled: Germany might be impoverished; she might be loaded with measureless indemnities; she might become a prey to internal feuds: but all this would pass in ten years or in twenty. The indestructible might "of all the German tribes" would rise once more and the unquenched fires of warrior Prussia glow and burn again. But the Rhine, the broad, deep, swift-flowing Rhine, once held and fortified by the French Army, would be a barrier and a shield behind which France could dwell and breathe for generations. Very different were the sentiments and views of the English-speaking world, without whose aid France must have succumbed. The territorial provisions of the Treaty of Versailles left Germany practically intact. She still remained the largest homogeneous racial block in Europe. When Marshal Foch heard of the signing of the Peace Treaty of Versailles he observed with singular accuracy: "This is not Peace. It is an Armistice for twenty years."


答案     在停战那一天,德国军队开回本国,秩序井然。这时,戴着荣耀桂冠的协约国总司令福煦元帅,以军人的气概说:  “他们打得不错,让他们保留武器吧。”但他要求今后法国的边界必须移至莱茵河。德国会被解除武装;它的军事体制会被砸碎;它的要塞会被摧毁;德国将变得贫穷;它将要担负无法计算的赔款;它将陷于内乱:但所有这些,在十年或二十年之内,都会成为过去。  “全部日耳曼民族”的无法摧毁的威力将会卷土重来,未扑灭的普鲁士武士的火焰将会再度燃烧起来。但是又宽又深、水流湍急的莱茵河,一旦为法国军队所据守和设防,即可以成为防卫法国的天堑,在河那边的法国人就可以世世代代过和平的日子。但英语世界的感受和见解却与法国的大不相同,没有他们的援助法国早已被征服了。凡尔赛和约中关于领土的条文,实际上是让德国领土原封不动。它仍然是欧洲最大的单一民族的国家。当福煦元帅听到凡尔赛和约签订的消息时,他非常精确地说:  “这不是和平。这是二十年的休战。”

解析     The Gathering storm(《风云紧急》)是英国前首相温斯顿?伦纳德?斯宾塞-丘吉尔爵士(Winston Churchill)1953年诺贝尔文学奖作品《第二次世界大战回忆录》的第一卷。丘吉尔举世公认的文学素养,使得《第二次世界大战回忆录》流畅易读,因为他“一辈子都在和句子谈恋爱”、  “本身就是修辞机器”,所以我们有幸读到一部不以生涩难懂取胜的旷世巨著。他精雕细琢每个人物,营造生动鲜活的印象,既不溢美也不扭曲的评论,始终保持史家的客观立场;他以如椽之笔重塑战时氛围,读者一如亲临现场,感受纷乱紧张的时局。
1.  “Armistice Day”:休战纪念日,这里指停战那一天。
2.  “marched homeward”:(军队)开拔回国。
3.  “Generalissimo”:总司令,大元帅。
4.  “with the laurels bright upon his brow”:  “laurel”即“桂冠,殊荣”,全句译为“戴着荣耀桂冠的……”。
5.  “in soldierly mood”:以军人的气概。
6.  “henceforth”:今后,自此以后。
7.  “Germany might be disarmed”:  “disarmed”解除武装。
8.  “her military system shivered in fragments”:  “shiver”是“颤抖,打碎”的意思,全句译为“它的军事体制会被砸碎”。
9.  “her fortresses dismantled”:  “fortress”是“堡垒,要塞”的意思,  “dismantle”是“拆除,除掉……的覆盖物”的意思,全句译为“它的要塞会被摧毁”的意思。
10.  “she might be loaded with measureless indemnities”:“load”意为“加载,使负担”,  “indemnity”指“补偿,赔偿”,全句译为“它将要担负无法计算的赔款”。
11.  “she might become a prey to internal feuds”:  “feud”是“不和,争执”的意思,“internal feud”指“内战,内乱”,  “a prey to internal feuds”即“内乱的牺牲者”,全句译为“它将陷于内乱”。
12.indestructible might“of all the German tribes”:“indestructible might”译为“不可摧毁的力量”,这里的“German”不是指德国,而是指日耳曼。全句泽为“全部日耳曼民族”的无法摧毁的威力。
13.  “the unquenched fires of warrior Prussia”:  “unquenched”(未熄灭的),“Prussia”(普鲁士),全句译为“未扑灭的普鲁士武士的火焰”。
14.  “the broad,deep,swift-flowing Rhine”:  “swift-flowing”指“水流汹涌的,水流湍急的”,全句译为“又宽又深、水流湍急的莱茵河”。
15.  “once held and fortified by the French Army”:  “fortify”的原意是增加、增强,这里指法国军队在莱茵河畔设防的意思,全句译为“一旦为法国军队所据守和设防”。
16.  “France could dwell and breathe for generations”:  “dwell”(居住,停歇),全句译为“法国人就可以世世代代过和平的日子”。  “breathe”原意是“呼吸”,这里指法国人能在河的另一边安全生活。
17.  “the sentiments and views of the English-speaking world”:  “sentiment”(感情,情绪),  “the English-speaking world”原意是“说英语的国家”,这里译为“英语世界”。
18.  “territorial provisions”:关于领土的条文。
19.  “the Treaty of Versailles”:凡尔赛和约。
20.  “homogeneous racial block”:  “homogeneous”(同种的),全句译为“单一民族的国家”。
21.  “singular accuracy”:  “singular”(非凡的),即“非常精准”。