What happened in Egypt? [originaltext] Egypt has deployed troops in the north

游客2023-12-08  9

问题 What happened in Egypt?
Egypt has deployed troops in the northern city of Port Said after stadium clashes between fans after a football match left at least 74 people dead and hundreds more injured.
    Violence erupted as soon as the referee blew the final whistle in Wednesday’s match, which saw home team al-Masry beat Cairo’s al-Ahly 3-1.
    "Egypt’s army has deployed troops in Port Said to prevent further clashes between fans of football teams al-Ahly and al-Masry", state television reported on Wednesday, adding that the military had also secured the road out of the city.
    The health ministry said in a statement that a policeman was among the 74 dead. Hundreds were injured, it said. At least two players suffered light injuries.
    Forty-seven people have been arrested in connection with the violent pitch invasion, the country’s interior minister said.
    The victims had died in a crush of people at the stadium and the search for suspects linked to the incident was continuing. The head of the ruling military council, Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi said victims would receive compensation after their cases were examined.
    Activists scheduled rallies on Thursday outside the headquarters of the interior ministry in Cairo to protest the inability of the police to stop the bloodshed.
                                                                    AFP News

选项 A、Opposing troops occupied the city of Port Said.
B、The military cracked down on protestors.
C、Football fans clashed with each other.
D、A bomb exploded in a football field.

答案 C

解析 主旨题。新闻开始就提到在北部城市Port Said爆发足球骚乱,双方球迷发生严重冲突,军队派兵驻守此城:stadium clashes between fans after a football match。因此答案选C。