What is the main message of the news item? [originaltext] The U.S. government

游客2023-12-08  6

问题 What is the main message of the news item?
The U.S. government says it will stop making new nuclear weapons, and it’s reconsidering what to do with the weapons that already exist. The announcement came yesterday, two days before President Obama is scheduled to sign a treaty with Russia that would reduce how many nuclear weapons both countries have. It also comes one week before he hosts a global meeting on nuclear security. More than 40 countries are expected to attend that. But back to yesterday’s announcement. This new policy would stop production of nuclear weapons. It would also invest about $5 billion in extending the life of weapons that already exist. Seven countries are officially recognized as nuclear powers, meaning they have nuclear weapons. But there are other countries that are suspected of trying to make them. U.S. officials hope this change from America will encourage other countries—all countries—to help control the spread of nuclear weapons. U.S. has promised not to use its own nukes against anyone who does that. But as Defense Secretary Robert Gates pointed out, that doesn’t mean retaliation is out of the question in every situation.

选项 A、President Obama is about to sign a treaty with Russia.
B、America is working to control the spread of nuclear weapons.
C、5 billion dollars are invested on extending the life of weapons.
D、40 countries are about to attend the meeting on nuclear security.

答案 B

解析 主旨大意题。新闻开头说,美国宣称将停止制造新的核武器;接下来说了一系列总统要签订的条约、要主持的会议,都是与控制核武器有关;还提及美国官员希望美国所做的改变能够鼓励其他国家帮助控制核武器的扩散。可见这段新闻主要是说美国做了一系列工作,希望能够控制核武器的扩散,B正确。