According to the UN Human Development Report, which is the best place for women

游客2023-12-08  11

问题 According to the UN Human Development Report, which is the best place for women in the world? [br]  
Canada, for the seventh consecutive year, ranks as the best place to live in the world. But if you are a woman, you are better off in Scandinavia, says the UN Human Development Report 2000, released yesterday. Norway is in second place in overall ranking, followed by the United States, Australia, Iceland, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Japan and Britain. Finland is in the 11th place, followed by France, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Luxembourg, Ireland, Italy and New Zealand. At the other end of the scale, the 10 least-developed countries that provide the fewest services to their people, from the bottom up are: war-devastated Sierra Leone, Niger, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Burundi, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Chad, Central African Republic and Mali.

选项 A、Britain

答案 B

解析 问哪个国家排名在第12位。原文中提到“芬兰排名第11,其后是法国……”,故排名第12位的是法国,答案为B。考生在听时应带着问题仔细听,否则可能会错过关键句。