Which of the following is the main cause of the recall of Toyota in the U.S.? [o

游客2023-12-08  12

问题 Which of the following is the main cause of the recall of Toyota in the U.S.?
Ray LaHood, the head of the U.S. Transportation Department, is weighing in on Toyota’s recall of millions of vehicles due to a faulty gas pedal. But what Mr. LaHood is saying might be causing some confusion. During a hearing on Capitol Hill yesterday, Secretary LaHood said that anyone who owns one of the cars affected by the recall should "stop driving it and take it to a dealer." That scared and frustrated a lot of owners, and later in the day, LaHood corrected himself. Toyota released a statement thanking Secretary LaHood for clarifying his remarks. They also said, "We want to make sure that our customers understand that this situation is rare and generally does not occur suddenly. If you experience any issues with your accelerator pedal, please contact your dealer without delay. If you are not experiencing any issues with your pedal, we are confident that your vehicle is safe to drive."

选项 A、Engine problem.
B、Gas pedal problem.
C、The faulty brake system.
D、Not known.

答案 B

解析 事实细节题。新闻首句提到美国运输部长Ray LaHood正在评估因油门踏板出现问题而被召回的数百万丰田汽车。可得知,此次丰田汽车被召回的主要原因是油门踏板出现问题,即B为正确选项。