But Mulan was a child of Peking. She had grown up there and had drunk in all

游客2023-12-07  8

问题     But Mulan was a child of Peking. She had grown up there and had drunk in all the richness of life of the city which enveloped its inhabitants like a great mother soft toward all her children’s requests, fulfilling all their whims and desires, or like a huge thousand-year-old tree in which the insects making their home in one branch did not know what the insects in the other branch were doing. She had learned from Peking its tolerance, geniality, and urbanity, as we all in our formative years catch something of the city and country we live in. She had grown up with the yellow-roofed palaces and the purple and greenroofed temples, the broad boulevards and the long, crooked alleys, the busy thoroughfares and the quiet districts that were almost rural in their effect; the common man’s homes with their inevitable pomegranate trees and jars of goldfish, no less than the rich man’s mansions and gardens; the open-air tea houses where men loll on rattan armchairs under cypress tress, spending twenty cents for a whole afternoon in summer; the enclosed teashops where in winter men eat steaming-hot mutton fried with onion and drink pehkan and where the great rub shoulders with the humble; the wonderful theaters, the beautiful restaurants, the bazaars, the lantern streets and the curio streets; the temple fairs which register the days of the month.


答案     但是木兰是在北京长大的,陶醉在北京城内丰富的生活里,那种丰富的生活,对当地的居民就犹如伟大的慈母,对儿女的请求,温和而仁厚,对儿女的愿望,无不有求必应,对儿女的任性,无不宽容包涵,又像一棵千年老树,虫子在各枝丫上做巢居住,各自安居,对于其它各枝丫上居民的生活情况,茫然无所知。从北京,木兰学到了容忍宽大,学到了亲切和蔼,学到了温文尔雅,就像我们童年是在故乡学到的东西一样。她是在黄琉璃瓦宫殿与紫绿琉璃瓦寺院的光彩气氛中长大的。她是在宽广的林荫路,长曲的胡同,繁华的街道,宁静如田园的地方长大的。在那个地方,常人家里也有石榴树、金鱼缸,也不次于富人的宅第庭院。在那个地方,夏天在露天茶座儿上,人舒舒服服地坐着松柏树下的藤椅子品茶,花上两毛钱就耗过一个漫长的下午。在那个地方儿,在茶馆儿里,吃热腾腾的葱爆羊肉,喝白干儿酒:达官贵人,富商巨贾,与市井小民引车卖浆者,摩肩接踵,有令人惊叹不已的戏院,精美的饭馆子、市场、灯笼街、古玩街;有每月按期的庙会。

解析     本篇节选自林语堂(1895~1976)的Moment in Peking(《京华烟云》)。《京华烟云》享现代版《红楼梦》之美誉,四度获诺贝尔文学奖提名之殊荣,是文学大师林语堂最负盛名的传世之作。林语堂提倡“以自我为中心,以闲适为格调”的小品文。
had drunk in all the richness of life of the city:  “richness”由形容词转变而来,一般译成汉语时,考虑增加范畴词(category word),可译为“丰富多彩的生活”。  “the city”特指“北京城”。故整句译为“陶醉在北京城内丰富的生活里”。
fulfilling all their whims and desires:Whim means sudden desire or idea,especially unusual or unreasonable one.此处指“满足孩子们的奇思异想,满足孩子们的愿望”。
She had learned from Peking its tolerance,geniality,and urbanity:Genial means kindly,pleasant.sociable.Urbane means having or showing refined.manners,smooth elegance and sophistication.理解这一关过了以后,我们自然要考虑译文的流畅,三个成分并列时,在正式文体中,往往使用四字格,故译为“从北京,木兰学到了容忍宽大,学到了亲切和蔼,学到了温文尔雅。”
crooked:not straight or level;twisted,bent or curved.“Alley”指“小巷子”,但京话里称“胡同”。故“the long,crooked alleys”译为“长曲的胡同”。
in their effect:表示“实际上,事实上”,即她从小生活的地方好像田园般宁静。
no less than:不比……差,不次于。
the open-air tea houses:露天茶室,露天茶座。
rattan armchairs:指茶室中摆放的藤椅。
steaming-hot mutton fried with onion:热腾腾的葱爆羊肉。菜名宜按照固定讲法翻译。