The woman goes to the man with the aim to [br] [originaltext]W: Good morning, P
The woman goes to the man with the aim to [br] [originaltext]W: Good morning, P
The woman goes to the man with the aim to [br]
W: Good morning, Prof. Geller. I hope I am not disturbing you.
M: Not at all. Come right in. I am always in my office in the morning. What is the matter?
W: [1] I need an extension for the paper, if I could.
W: It would be due on the last day of exam period, which is this Friday. That is two days away.
M: Don’t you think you could have the paper finished then?
W: I haven’t even started it yet and I want to change my topic. You see, I have been sick since last Saturday with my left ear. I just checked out of the hospital this morning.
M: So you were in hospital for four days?
W: Yes, from Saturday till today.
M: This paper is meant to substitute for a final exam. Generally, for an illness like this, we can postpone the exam by the number of days the student has been ill, in your case, by four days.
W: That means I will be able to hand in my paper next Tuesday instead of this Friday?
M: [2] That’s right, but first you have to fill out this form, giving the name of the course, your reasons for needing the extension and so on. Then take the request to the hospital to have it signed by the doctor, then bring it back to me today, and I will have a copy sent to the dean.
W: Thank you very much. I will see you this afternoon with the completed form.
M: I am glad you are feeling better.
W: Thank you. Prof. Geller, [3] I originally intended to write about the formation of Death Valley. You took us on a field trip last month to see the different rocks, formations in California and Death Valley left me a deep impression.
M: I understood.
W: It was fascinating, especially the natural colors or rocks, blues, pinks and greens. [3] But it is too big a topic for a term paper.
M: That is why I recommend that all my students discuss their topics with me before they begin their research. What do you want to work on now?
W: I was interested in your lecture on dinosaurs and the apparent mystery surrounding their extinction. I’d like to explore that question. But I am not too sure how to go about it.
M: Well, according to the most widely held story, the dinosaurs died out because of the sudden cooling of the earth’s temperature. Your textbook summarized the conclusion of several experts on this point.
W: Didn’t you also mention a second theory in your lecture? That dinosaurs may have been replaced by mammals gradually and might not have died out as a direct response to the cold weather?
M: Yes, Van Blallen and Sloan are proponents of the theory. And I put some of their articles on reserve in the library.
W: Van Blallen and Sloan? I’d better write that down. Thank you. Incidentally, I read in the university newspaper that you were looking for a student to work as assistant?
M: Yes, we are. Are you interested in the job?
W: I think so, but before I apply, I want to know more about the work.
M: Have you worked in the laboratory before?
W: Yes, I used to do experiments in the biology lab.
M: Good, there are many different kinds of biology labs, and ours is a large one. The undergraduate students need to use it on the weekdays. [4A] We need someone who can help get the experiments ready. If you decide to take the job, I will explain it in detail. Most of the experiments last for two hours.
W: How many hours would I work?
M: [4BCD] Ten hours a week. Monday through Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. That is one of the busiest times for this laboratory.
W: I will fill out an application for the job right now. It would fit into my schedule nicely.
M: Fine, I will tell you our decision in a week or so after we receive the applications. Let me know how your work progresses, Maggie. If you should happen to run into any problems, be sure to stop by again.
W: Thank you.
A、The lab assistant is to make preparations for the experiments.
B、The lab assistant works during the busy hours of the lab.
C、The lab assistant will work ten hours per week.
D、The lab assistant sometimes have to work in the morning.
关于败酱草的功效,下列不正确的是A、祛瘀止痛 B、消痈排脓 C、利尿消肿
温胆汤组成中含有的药物是( )。A.瓜蒌、杏仁 B.贝母、瓜蒌 C.枳实、
青春期女孩的第二性征表现不包括( )。A.智齿萌出 B.月经初潮 C.骨盆
下列项目中,属于借款费用的有( )。 A.应付债券计提的利息 B.摊销的借