No woman can be too rich or too thin. This saying oftenattributed with the

游客2023-12-06  13

问题     No woman can be too rich or too thin. This saying often
attributed with the late Duchess of Windsor embodies much of the【M1】______
odd spirit of our times. Being thin is deemed as such a virtue.
    The problem with such a view is that some peoples actually【M2】______
attempted to live with it. I myself have fantasies of slipping into【M3】______
narrow designer clothes. Consequently, I have been on a diet for the
better—or worse—part of my life. Being rich wouldn’t be bad either,
but that won’t happen if an unknown relative dies suddenly in some【M4】______
distant land, leaving me millions of dollars.
    Where did we go off the track? When did eating butter become sin,【M5】______
and little bit of extra flesh unappealing, if not repellent? All religions
have certain days that people refrain from eating, and excessive【M6】______
eating is one of Christianity’s seven deadly sins. However, until
quite recently, most people had a problem get enough to eat. In【M7】______
some religious groups, wealth was a symbol of probable salvation
and high moral, and fatness a sign of wealth and well-being.【M8】______
    Today the opposite is true. We have shifted down to thinness【M9】______
as our new mark of virtue. The result is that being fat—or even only
somewhat overweight—is bad because it implies a lack of moral strength.
    Our obsession with thinness is also fueled by health concerns. It
is true that in this country we have many overweight people than ever【M10】______
before, and that, in many cases, being overweight correlates with an
increased risk of heart and blood vessel disease. [br] 【M2】


答案 peoples→people

解析 词汇错误。people只有在表示“民族,种族”的时候才会用复数形式。此处是表示一些“人”,所以要用单数形式。