What does Mr. Stevenson think of his profession? [br] [originaltext]W: Good mor
What does Mr. Stevenson think of his profession? [br] [originaltext]W: Good mor
What does Mr. Stevenson think of his profession? [br]
W: Good morning, Mr. Stevenson. Thank you very much for coming on our talk show. We know that you are a famous lawyer in your own field. Does it feel cool to be a lawyer?
M: [1] I don’t know if it feels "cool", but it makes me happy. It’s what I want to do with my life right now. I feel as though I’m doing some good things. [1] Actually, when someone asks me in a social situation what I do for a living, I feel a twinge of shame, or something like it, when I say lawyer or attorney. I don’t think it’s justified. I think I’ve just been conditioned to have certain distrust for my own profession. The news is filled with horrible lawyer stories.
W: [1] How do people react when you tell them you’re a lawyer at a party, for instance?
M: [1] People react in all different ways. Some express awe for some reason. Some act uncomfortably. Some are indifferent. Last Friday, I told a woman I was a lawyer, and she immediately said, "I hate lawyers." I get that pretty often.
W: Before growing up, did you think you wanted to be a lawyer?
M: When I was in elementary school I wanted to be a professional soccer player. In junior high, I wanted to be a professional surfer. [2] But actually in high school, I did think I wanted to be a lawyer. It was a "respectable" profession (my mom would approve), and I could make lots of money. TV and movies had a strong impact on my visions of the future.
W: Do you think you could perform your job without having gone to law school?
M: Yes. [3] Law school has nothing to do with practicing law (or taking the bar). And taking the bar has nothing to do with practicing law. That’s overstating it, but I think it’s pretty true. You learn on the job, like most other jobs. This doesn’t mean I regret going to law school. I had great experiences in law school. I hated it at times too, but in the end, I had fun.
W: Did you enjoy law school?
M: Yes. [4] I enjoyed the "non-traditional" classes like post-modern feminist theory, critical race theory and theories of right. The professors were great, and the students (at least my friends) were very cool people. There were lots of interesting people with a lot of energy for everything, from dancing in clubs to changing the world. But, like I said, I also hated parts of it. [4] The "Socratic method" kind of drove me crazy, and I wanted to drop out halfway through first year.
W: Is your family particularly proud of you being a lawyer?
M: Yes. My mom is very proud.
W: Do you see yourself practicing law till you’re 60?
M: I have difficulty looking that far into the future, but not really. Maybe. Right now, I don’t really care what I’m doing when I’m 60.I hope I’m doing it if it still makes me happy.
W: Is there a real hierarchy at your firm among partners, lawyers, paralegals and secretaries?
M: Yes. But, again, it doesn’t have to be that way. The system I came into when 1 started working at my firm is very hierarchical, and communication amongst "superiors" and "subordinates" clearly reflects that. I don’t like it. It makes me feel weird. So I don’t really act that way. I think that annoys some of the other lawyers.
W: Do you feel more like a lawyer when you’re wearing a suit?
M: Yes!
W: [5] Do you think lawyers receive unjustified criticism?
M: [5] Yes. Although the profession does seem to attract people who like to argue and have a lot of attitude. But I don’t think the profession should be demonized as much as it is. They should make more nice lawyer movies.
W: Would you ever want to have your own practice?
M: Yes.
W: [5] Has the profession of lawyer lost some of its prestige over the years?
M: [5] Yes and no. It’s weird. People seem capable of maintaining the concept of lawyers as respectable nasty people. It’s hard to describe. Much as people say they hate lawyers, many still treat lawyers as if they’re something special.
W: When does it feel best to be a lawyer?
M: When a client expresses gratitude for helping them with something big in their life.
W: OK, Mr. Stevenson, thank you for taking the time to talk to us.
M: My pleasure.
A、He was particularly interested in the "non-traditional" classes.
B、He had great professors and classmates.
C、He was crazy about the "Socratic method".
D、He once thought about dropping out.
细节题。Mr. Stevenson谈起自己喜欢法学院时列举了几点原因:他喜欢非传统课程、教授很出色、同学非常酷等。据此判断[A]、[B]正确。之后他谈到,他也讨厌某些东西,“苏格拉底问答法”有点儿让他发狂,大一上了一半他就想辍学。因此[D]是正确的,答案选[C]“他非常迷恋‘苏格拉底问答法’”。“wascrazy about”是对“drove me crazy”的曲解。
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