Which part will NOT be influenced by the drought? [originaltext] NOAA is out

游客2023-12-05  11

问题 Which part will NOT be influenced by the drought?
NOAA is out with the annual drought forecast. The director of the agency southern regional climate services, David Brown says, there are still very significant and widespread drought conditions in the southern plains region.(10)Right now, the conditions are most pronounced in west Texas, and eastern New Mexico, but they also extend into parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, even parts of the Gulf Coast to Louisiana.

选项 A、Kansas.
B、New Mexico.
C、The Gulf Coast.
D、East Texas.

答案 D

解析 本题设题点在信息列举处。根据句(10)可知,现在,干旱状况大部分出现在德克萨斯州西部和新墨西哥东部,但也会扩大到俄克拉何马州和堪萨斯州,甚至扩大到墨西哥湾海岸以及路易斯安那州的部分地区。故答案为[D]。