Cypriot President hopes to make a deal to______. [originaltext] (4)The Presi

游客2023-12-05  7

问题 Cypriot President hopes to make a deal to______.
(4)The President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades has said he hopes a deal to secure an international rescue package for the country’s banks would be made soon. Negotiations with European Union, IMF and European Central Bank officials have continued throughout the day with the main sticking point being the size of a levy to be imposed on Cypriot savers.
    In the statement, the European commissioner Olli Rehn says there are only hard choices left but help from the EU, he said, can help minimize the economic damage. The Euro Zone is offering a ten-billion-euro loan while insisting on extra cash from Cyprus itself. It’s struggling to agree how to raise that money but appears to be moving towards some sort of contribution from bank’s customers. Exactly what form that will take is still undecided.(5)But it’s likely to put more of the burden on customers with balances over 100,000 euro.

选项 A、ensure the implementation of a rescue package
B、secure a loan from the EU Zone to rescue its banks
C、gain international financial support for Cypriot banks
D、decide the size of tax to be imposed on Cypriot savers

答案 C

解析 本题设题点在事件目的处。根据句(4)可知,总统希望能够确保该国银行能够得到国际的支持与援助,故答案为[C]。