As you sat across the Thanksgiving table basking in the warmth of family and

游客2023-12-05  11

问题     As you sat across the Thanksgiving table basking in the warmth of family and the aroma of chestnut stuffing, most likely you did not remember the vicious comment your Aunt Jennifer made about you a few years back. You didn’t dwell on Uncle Julio’s unkind reference to your drinking last Christmas or what cousin Duwan said about your girlfriend during that dreadful vacation at the shore. At family holidays, we tend to embrace our relatives even after months or years of not having seen one another, regardless of the quarrels we have had in the past.
    We may chalk up our generous forgiveness to the festive spirit of the holiday, but the real reason has nothing to do with Thanksgiving; it is because of how we humans remember—and forget. Cognitive experts tell us that forgetting is fundamental to how we make sense of the world. Forgetting helps us survive, by making sure we don’t dwell in the past.
    In the digital age, that mechanism of our humanity is under threat.
    We all hate when we can’t remember something. We think of it as a bug of the human mind. We don’t realize that by discarding most of the avalanche of details that our senses are bombarded with every day, as well as past wounds, our brain helps us focus on the important things; it lets us see the forest rather than just the trees. We may learn from our failures, but thankfully we also easily forget them.
    Human memories are not fixed; they are reconstructed. We remember more easily what we remember often. More important, we tend to forget memories that don’t fit into our current world vision; our brains discard them as no longer important. That way, we forgive one another(and ourselves)for past transgressions. Thus our memories of most past experiences wither.
    Forgetting misdeeds that we deem no longer relevant is a powerful mechanism; and the best part of it is that it’s built into us. But it also means that operation is thwarted in a world of comprehensive memory, a world in which we are constantly reminded of our past.
    Our ever-improving digital tools record billions of Facebook messages and more than 300 million tweets every day—not to mention our private e-mail accounts, with their photos and videos. Logging our lives is becoming the norm, and having a comprehensive digital memory at our disposal is the default.
    Many people are concerned about what this does to privacy. I am worried about Thanksgiving—the warmth and joy that may be lost when we keep being reminded of every mistake, every quarrel, every disagreement...
    With comprehensive digital memories all around us, forgetting one another’s offenses becomes more difficult; through our digital tools we’ll be alerted to all we thought we had forgotten. This will make it harder for us to forgive.
    In one of his short stories, author Jorge Luis Borges describes a young man who after an accident can no longer forget. He can remember perfectly all the books he has read, but he has been unable to learn anything from them, because learning involves the distilling of abstract thought from detailed memories, after which the latter fade away. Thus it, too, necessitates forgetting. In future Thanksgivings, our data glasses might identify family members through facial recognition, and within a split second, display old e-mails and images, tweets and posts, reminding us in excruciating detail of their(and our)past shortcomings.
    Some say that we’ll adapt by disregarding these digital memories. But it is naive to think that if so directly reminded of earlier quarrels, we’ll be able to put the revived memory aside. Our brain is trained to remember events we thought we had forgotten when given an external stimulus. Automatically disregarding revived memories is as hard as deliberately forgetting things—we can’t do it.
    We need to appreciate and preserve forgetting as a feature of humanity. To do so may require us to adapt our digital tools. Unlike our brains, they can easily be rewired. With the help of the companies that design our online tools, we could let tweets and Facebook comments expire over time. We could choose the photos in our digital libraries we want to remember, and the e-mails we hold dear, as we let the rest slowly disappear, giving us a renewed and much-needed chance to forget.
    This would preserve in the digital age our ability to grow, to learn and to forgive. And it would give us a better shot at having a rancor-free family holiday. That alone would be worth it. [br] According to the passage, human’s mechanism of forgetting is under threat in the digital age because______.

选项 A、the mechanism of forgetting is no longer with us in this age
B、dealing with Facebook messages, e-mails, tweets, etc. keeps us occupied
C、advanced digital tools help us decide what to forget
D、a comprehensive digital memory constantly reminds us of the past

答案 D

解析 细节题。根据第六至第九段可知,数字时代社交网站的留言、微博、日志系统、电子邮件系统等给了我们庞大、繁杂、精细的网络记忆,时刻提醒着我们过去的事情,这使得忘记变得困难,故选[D],同时排除[C]。根据第六段可知,遗忘是人类与生俱来的本能,在数字时代这种特性受到阻挠,但这并不意味着遗忘已不再是人类的本能之一,故排除[A];根据第七段可知,每天忙于阅读和处理社交网站留言、写电子邮件和网络日志确实占用了我们大量的时间和精力,但这不是遗忘机制在数字时代受到威胁的主要原因,故排除[B]。