I was afraid. The truth is, I was afraid the day I walked into Stanford. And I w

游客2023-12-04  20

问题 I was afraid. The truth is, I was afraid the day I walked into Stanford. And I was afraid the day I walked out. I was scared of leaving the protective bubble of this place for places unknown, during uncertain economic times. And I was scared of squandering the incredible gift of my Stanford experience on pursuits that weren’t commensurate with expectations I, and others, had of me. I was scared of not doing it all, of making irrevocable mistakes.
If you’re scared today, let me ask you this: What will you do with your fear? Will you let it become a motivator, or an inhibitor? You are the only one who can answer that. But what I can offer as guidance, and reassurance, is a story: the story of one Stanford grad’s process of stumbling and searching to find a place in the world, oftentimes in the face of her fears.


答案     我也曾心怀恐惧。老实说,在我走进斯坦福大学的那天,我害怕;在我走出的那天,我同样害怕。我害怕离开这保护我的安全地方;害怕去面对经济动荡、前途未卜的未来;我害怕虚掷从斯坦福里学得的、足以夸耀众人的知识和经验;害怕把它们浪费在与自己和别人的期望都不相称的工作上;我害怕无所事事;害怕犯下不可挽回的过失。

解析 1.第一段第一句中注意was这个过去时态,表明是过去的事,所以译成“我也曾心怀恐惧”。
2.由于是演讲辞,所以第一段第二句中The truth is不宜翻译成“事实是”,翻译成“老实说”更好,更能体现演讲词的特点。
4.第一段第四句到段尾,基本都是以I was scared of…为首的并列结构,译文也用并列结构的形式翻译出来,不过可以省掉类似的成分,变简洁些,译为“我害怕……,害怕……”。
5.第一段第四句中,the protective bubble of this place翻译成“这个地方的保护泡泡”就拗口了,译成“这个保护我的安全地方”。
6.第一段第五句很长,拆译成两句“我害怕虚掷从斯坦福里学得的、足以夸耀众人的知识和经验;害怕把它们浪费在与自己和别人的期望都不相称的工作上”。翻译这句时,一定要弄清其中的逻辑关系,弄明白that从句所指代的内容,以及省略了that的从句I,and others,had of me所修饰的成分。
7.第二段中的Will you let it become a motivator,or an inhibitor?与前面句子主语一致,可以省掉主语,译成“是化恐惧为动力,还是因此而裹足不前?”
8.第二段最后一句中的the story of one Stanford grad’s process of stumbling and searching to find aplace in the world,oftentimes in the face of her fears,注意翻译时调整语序,译为“这是一个脸上时时写满恐惧的斯坦福大学的新生在世界上跌跌撞撞,努力地谋求一席之地的故事”。