History as the artificial extension of the social memory ( and I willingly conce

游客2023-12-04  35

问题 History as the artificial extension of the social memory ( and I willingly concede that there are other appropriate ways of apprehending human experience) is an art of long standing, necessarily so since it springs instinctively from the impulse to enlarge the range of immediate experience; and however camouflaged by the disfiguring jargon of science, it is still in essence what it has always been. History in this sense is story, in aim always a true story; a story that employs all the devices of literary art (statement and generalization, narration and description, comparison and comment and analogy) to present the succession of events in the life of man, and from the succession of events thus presented to derive a satisfactory meaning. The history written by historians, like the history informally fashioned by Mr. Everyman, is thus a convenient blend of truth and fancy, of what we commonly distinguish as "fact" and "interpretation". In primitive times, when tradition is orally transmitted, bards and story-tellers frankly embroider or improvise the facts to heighten the dramatic import of the story. With the use of written records, history, gradually occurred; and with the increase and refinement of knowledge the historian recognized that his first duty is to be sure of his facts, let their meaning be what it may. Nevertheless, in every age history is taken to be a story of actual events from which a significant meaning may be derived; and in every age the illusion is that the present version is valid because the related facts are true, whereas former version are invalid because based upon inaccurate or inadequate facts.


答案     历史是社会记忆的人为延伸(我愿意承认还有其他合适的方式能够保留人类经验),是一门历久的学问。之所以必须持久是因为它产生的本能是扩大直接经验的冲动。哪怕大煞风景的科学术语把历史弄得面目全非,从本质上讲,历史还是保留了其本来面目。从这种意义上来说,历史就是故事,关注的是真实的事件;它使用一切文学艺术手段(陈述和概括、记叙和描述、比较和评论以及类比)来展现人类生活的一系列事件,并通过展示这些事件来提炼出恰当的意义。故史学家笔下的历史和市井村夫的野史一样,自然也糅合了事实和想象。我们通常把这两种材料区分为“事实”和“解读”。

解析 1.画线部分第一句中artificial在本文中的意思为“人为的”;is an art of long standing中art不表示“艺术”,而表示“学问,技能”。necessarily so since it springs instinctively from the impulseto enlarge the range of immediate experience中考虑到上下文衔接,应把so指代的“持久”点明;其次,为使译文流畅,可将instinctively译为名词“本能”。
2.画线部分第一句的后半句中disfiguring jargon of science,disfigure表示“减色,使黯淡无光”,故此短语可译为“大煞风景的科学术语”;让步状语however camouflaged by the disfiguringjargon of science可译为“哪怕大煞风景的科学术语把历史弄得面目全非”。
3.画线部分最后一句中,history informally fashioned by Mr.Everyman中的Mr.Everyman表示“凡夫俗子”,而history informally可采用归化策略,译为“野史”,故此句可译为“市井村夫的野史”;convenient本义为“讨巧的,省事的,恰当的”,根据上下文,可处理为“自然”。