One virtue of this book is its structure. Mr. Starr is never trapped by his ch

游客2023-12-04  12

问题 One virtue of this book is its structure.  Mr.  Starr is never trapped by his chronological framework. Instead, when the subject demands it, he manages deftly to flit back and forth among the decades. Less satisfying is his account of California’s cultural progress in the 19th and 20th centuries: does he really need to invoke so many long-forgotten writers to accompany such names as Jack London, Frank Norris, Mark Twain or Raymond Chandler?
But that is a minor criticism for a book that will become a California classic. The regret is that Mr. Starr, doubtless pressed for space, leaves so little room—just a brief final chapter—for the implications of the past for California’s future. He poses the question that most Americans prefer to gloss over: is California governable? "For all its impressive growth, there remains a volatility in the politics and governance of California, which became perfectly clear to the rest of the nation in the fall of 2003 when the voters of California recalled one governor and elected another.


答案     这本书的优点之一在于它的结构。斯塔先生从不受年代框架的拘囿。相反,若主题需要,他会灵活地把前后几十年的历史事件穿插起来。但他对加州19世纪、20世纪文化进程的叙述令人不太满意:举出这么多早已被遗忘的作家与我们所熟知的名字,诸如杰克?伦敦、弗兰克?诺里斯、马克?吐温、雷蒙德?钱德勒,并列到一起,真的有必要吗?

解析 1.第一段第二句中的is…trapped by指“陷入……,受……限制”;chronological指“按年代、时间顺序排列的”;第三句中的deftly意为“灵巧地,熟练地”;flit back and forth本义指“飞来飞去”,在此引申为“前后穿插”。
2.第一段第四句是个倒装句,把表语Less satisfying提前是为了与前面的句子形成对比,翻译时需要增加转折连词“但”,以表现原文隐含的转折语气。
3.第一段第四句可以在冒号处分开,译为汉语的两个句子。invoke指“调用,引用”;suchnames as…需要根据上下文,增词译出隐含语义“我们所熟知的名字,诸如……”。
4.第一段第四句中的Jack London,Frank Norris,Mark Twain,Raymond Chandler指美国著名作家杰克?伦敦、弗兰克?诺里斯、马克?吐温、雷蒙德?钱德勒。
5.第二段第三句poses the question意为“提出问题”;gloss over意为“掩盖,回避”。
6.第二段最后一句中,For引出的介词短语位于句首时表示“虽然,尽管”,该部分可译为一个短句:  “尽管加州的发展令人瞩目”。volatility本义为“挥发性”,在此引申为“不稳定性”。