[originaltext]M: And the second time?W: (6)Oh, the second time I did manage to

游客2023-12-03  8

M: And the second time?
W: (6)Oh, the second time I did manage to give up completely for a while. I was expecting... and the doctor advised me not to smoke at all. I went for about... seven or eight months... without a single cigarette.
M: Then you took it up again.
W: Yes... (6)a couple of weeks after the baby was born. It was all right then because the baby was being bottle fed anyway.
M: Good. That’s interesting. So if you’d been breast-feeding you would have gone for longer without smoking?
W: Definitely. It’s what the doctors advise. Though not all mothers do as their doctors say...
M: Now Mrs. Trump. When do you smoke most?
W: Erm... (7)When I’m sitting watching TV or... or... reading a book... but especially I’m with... when I’m in company. Yes... that’s it... when I’m with friends. (8)I never smoke when I’m doing the housework...never... There’s always too much to do.
M: Do you ever smoke at meal times?
W: I always have... one cigarette after a meal. (9)Never on an empty stomach, which reminds me—I must be going. My husband will be waiting for his lunch. And Keith... he’s my son.
M: Just one more question and that’ll be all.
W: Well if you insist.
M: How would you describe the effect that smoking has on you?
W: What do you mean?
M: Well... Does smoking—for example—make you excitable... keep you awake...?
W: Oh no—quite the contrary. As I told you before I smoke most at times when I’m most relaxed. Though quite honestly (10)I... don’t really know whether I smoke because I’m relaxed or... er... you know... in order to relax. Now I really must be off. Please excuse me. I see you’re... you’re carrying a tape-recorder. This won’t be on the radio, will it?
M: No, Mrs. Trump ... I’m afraid not. But we do thank you all the same.
W: Right. Goodbye.
M: Goodbye, Mrs. Trump.
6.What’s true about Mrs.Trump’s trying to give up smoking for the second time?
7.When does Mrs.Trump smoke most?
8.When does Mrs.Trump smoke the least?
9.What is Mrs.Trump in a hurry to do?
10.How does Mrs.Trump describe the effect that smoking has on her?

选项 A、It was because the first time wasn’t a success.
B、This second time was for her unborn baby.
C、She wanted to set a good example for her husband.
D、She was forced to do so by financial troubles.

答案 B

解析 根据录音可知,女士第二次戒烟是因为她怀孕了,为了未出生的孩子考虑,有七、八个月完全不吸烟,但孩子出生以后又开始吸烟了。可见女士第二次戒烟的原因是B。A“因为第一次不成功”和C“她想为丈夫树立一个好榜样”与录音不符;D“她受经济困难所迫”与女士说过的saving up有相近之处,但不尽相符,且saving up是第一次戒烟的原因,而非第二次戒烟的原因,排除。